
Negative thoughts going through my mind?

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My whole life I've been a worrier. I focus my attention on past events where I have failed,embarrassed myself, been rejected or done something wrong. I want to stop being like this for good. I'ts not something always on my mind, but it holds me back from achieving goals and makes me feel a bit self concious. I try so hard to push negative thoughts away but I can't. suggestions?




  1. Write them all and consider talking to someone who you trust.  Write the positive and negative of who you are and go from there.

  2. 1  --  Keep in mind that all (ALL) your thoughts are created BY YOU. They don't come from anywhere else.

    2  --  Keep in mind that everything you think or feel or do has a purpose, a goal, a result in mind. So your negative thoughts have a purpose.

    3  --  Keep in mind that, since you create your thoughts, even the negative ones, you can change them, revise or re-word them, get rid of them, etc. (But you must still remember: They serve a purpose for wouldn't think those thoughts unless you expected a payoff from thinking them!)

    4  --  So...if you want to change or control your negative thoughts (as well as your positive ones!)...use the "4-S Method" to control your thoughts and feelings. Here it is, the short form:

    Stop sign -- When you sense a thought you don't want in your head, in your imagination hold up a huge red stop sign, perhaps being held by a stern-faced crossing guard!

    Shout it out -- Shout at the thought, scream at it, curse at it, yell at it (all in your mind, of course!) until you can sense that it is leaving your mind. (The nice thing about the mind is that it cannot contain more than a single conscious thought at a time.) Treat it like an intruder in your mind, someone you DO NOT want in there! Get angry at it!

    Substitute -- Have handy a sentence or thought to put in the place of the unwanted thought. Make it something strong, something positive, something you really want to believe! (Some people carry such positive or self-encouraging thoughts with them, on 3 x 5 cards.)

    Sustain -- Keep at it. YOU CREATED THE UNWANTED THOUGHT FOR A REASON! ("Psychology of Use" says you think all your thoughts in order to get something from them!) As you kick the unwanted thought out the front door, it will turn around and try to sneak in a window or down the chimney! DON'T LET IT!

    Keep repeating the four S's until you find yourself to be in charge of the thought you don't want. As you become more comfortable with this, you'll find you are more in control of your whole mind, and also of your feelings.

    By this time next week you will feel more in control of your unwelcome feelings and thoughts. If not...that's an indication that you get something out of having such thoughts and feelings, and that you do not want to give them up yet...

  3. Man.. I am right with you I swear.

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