
Neglected and favourited?

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I have no idea what else to do about this... so i would really appreciate other peoples opinions...

my mother seems to favour... she has 3 children. there is my 19 year old sister, my 13 yr old brother, and me, i am 18. I have a lot of health problems, for example my heart condition, and she does take good care of me. however, she pays a LOT of attention to me and my life rather than my sister or my brother... my sister is neglected and forgotten.. my sister isnt perfect and doesnt treat mum always nicely.. but mum seems to get angry at her all the time and my sister shuts herself in her room. i try look after mum and make her happy, but i feel its never good enough.

my 13 yr old bro started highschool and mum has a very short patience span with him. she picks up him after school but he locks himself away aswell. she doesnt see how it is partly her fault they do this. i also feel very bad... my sister thinks its all my fault that mum pays so much attention to me, and i dont want it.. i love her but i am 18 and she needs to let go.

when she is mad at me (which isnt very often), she will go to my sister and call her sweetie etc, but it'll only last a day, and when she stops being angry at me, she doesnt pay much attention to her again..

am i going crazy? it's making me feel really guilty. why cant she just love all 3 of us at the one time?




  1. i'm at the other end.

    my mum loves my sister, and neglects me. in fact, she actually dislikes me, and i think she resents me.

    its cuz if me and my sister eva get into a fight, i get punished, and my sister gets a sweet. it is also cuz my sister is always crying, and normally it's fake crying, and my mum thinks that its real. she thinks that just cuz i dont cry, i am not upset...

    it sucks being at the other end. oh, and i also lock myself up in my room, till my mum asks (or more like orders) me 2 go 2 my cold, messy, uncomfortable study 2 work instead.

  2. What about your father?

    You said nothing about him?

    This may be the cause of her present behaviour.

    Please be sympathetic with your mother.

    If possible, try to be friendly with your sister and brother.

    Your mother may be feeling lonely and left alone in this world.

    She is having her own psychological problem?

    Have you asked her about her problems at any time?

    Do this immediately, Sit with her - talk to her - console her.

    She is a human being man. She need somebody to share and care.

    When this is not available, any human being will become mental.

    Please take her to a psychiatrist and try to get her some advise and treatment.

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