As a child my great grandmother set up a bank account for all her grandchildren along with buying us all a horse, when i was 18 i notified the bank of my change of address and they sent a new book through. Several months after that i called my grandmother as i normally did and my grnadfather picked up the phone, asked who it was, and when i said it was 'me' he told me to F-off and put the phone down on me. This was the last time i spoke to him.
Over 5 years have now passed and over the years i learnt that the reason that my grandfather isnt speaking to me was because he thought i had stolen the money out of the account my great nan set up. I have never been given the oppertunity to tell them all what had actually happened, as they moved house and cut all contact with me, and i am now not even aloud to go down that street.
It was recently my nans 65th Birthday and i called to say happy birthday, when on the phone she told me she was having a bif family gathering and everyone was attending, (apart from me) i was really upset and explained to my nan i didnt want this heartbreak any longer, and she replied with 'you are now engaged and are looking at starting your own family, i suggest you just move on and forget about us all', i was in peices and asked my nan what i had done so terribly that it meant i couldnt be around any of my family, (this being all the members on my mothers side) and she said it was because:
1- i had stolen money form my great nan
2 -i had stolen money from her
3 - i had stolen jewellry from her
4 - had stolen jewellry from my great nan
5 - stolen jewellry from my great nans house.
I couldnt believe it! over the years as things had gone wrong and situations had arose, it seemed that i was the one that was doing all these terribel things, and to my own family. I was heartbroken that any of them could have thought it.
I have tried to get in contact with them before, i wrote my grandad a letter and sent him a card and explained that too many years have passed and i would like to start having contact with them, and should he wish for me to explain anything he could phone me. I have heard nothing, other than more lies being spread about me.
I am now engaged and everyone missed the oppertunity to see me at my most happy, at my engagement party and now we are planning a family.
Im asking for advice, do i leave well alone and get on with my life, or do i try and and contact them again and rick the heartbreak of them throwing me to one side again?
I really don't know what to do. Im not even sure if we were to all get in contact again that our relationships would repair and be back to how they used to be. As i was the favourite grandchild, the one with the better education, the one they took on their holidays.
What do i do??
(sorry its long, i would just appreciate any help on this one, as im lost)