
Neighbor Kids Have No Supervision Driving Me Crazy!?

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My neighbors let their 3,4 and 6 year old children ride around in the middle of the street on their bikes (no training wheels) not wearing any helmets. They never watch them and the kids are really rowdy. We live in a new development and work trucks come up and down the street and they glare at me like they're my kids driving in front of the trucks. It scares me.

I have a 2&5 year old that I let ride their bikes (with helmets) on the sidewalk and the other kids are taunting mine. My kids think I'm a big meanie for forcing them to be safe. I feel horrible.

We just moved in and don't want to start a war but I can't stand seeing this happen. I've been forcing my poor boys to just play outback and I don't think it's fair.

What would you do?




  1. You go over to those kids and you say, "tell your mom that if she doesnt start watchin you little rodents I'm guna call child services on her ***."

  2. Tell your kids that you care and that is why they have to be safe, they have to learn that they will come across people like this in life and how to deal with them! Maybe attempt talking to their mother?? Let your kids play out front if they want to, they need to learn to confront things not shy away from them.

  3. i would report the parents and have them take care of it just as long as its not ur kids that are doing that

  4. i would ride up to them and just yell "GET OUT OF THE STREET!" where i come from, in my neighborhood we all kinda helped watch eachother's kids.(or at least keep tabs on what they were doing.)you are and adult, kids of all ages should understand that you listen to grown ups.(if you have to, herd them out of the street like geese.hehe)i know they're not your kids, but you'd feel terrible if one of them did get hit by a truck,knowing that you could have done something but you didn't.i wouldn't worry too much about the helmets and knee pads, i never used them, most of the kids i knew never used them, and we got scraped and bumped, but we survived. but getting hit by a vehicle is a big deal.(an elbow pad isn't going to stop them from doing something dumb and breaking their arm, know what i mean?)

    ALSO;you should talk to the manager of your apartments ect. about your concern for her kids safety, and how rowdy they are.he will say something, and she'll never have to know it was you ;)

    edit:OR you could do it the old fashion way; grab those kids by the ear and bring them to their house, knock on the door, and tell their mother what they were doing,chances are she'll be to embarrassed to jump on you for it.(it's up to you, because later on she might resent you for pointing out her flaws as a mother)

  5. You need to talk to the parents, you should also talk to the mangaer of the development, if it gets to bad call the police. The children's safety is what is important.

  6. Sounds like my best friends' neigbors children. IF their parents were home, they never watched them, they would play in the street (a busy one) all hours of the day and go in and out of others' houses unchecked. One day, their youngest boy who was about five, ran across the street and was hit by an SUV. he survived, but he was hurt pretty badly. The parents were not even home, the 14 year old sister was supposed to be watching them, she was upstairs TAKING. A. NAP. So no, you're not being overprotective. Youre doing right.

  7. Report their parents for their safety and your sanity!

  8. I would report these people to child protective services! These children's lives are in danger!

  9. if you can maybe take them on a bike ride away from your area, like to a local park or something where you can sit and watch them safely ride their bikes, or you can just join them!!!!

    other than that I'd say confront the parents, because they are being very irresponsible, and your kids are going to think your mean a lot through out their lives so get use to that one :)

    if moving away is out of the question then take them somewhere else to ride their bikes.

  10. I would do the same as you.  Clearly this is negligence on the part of your neighbours and is an accident waiting to happen.  however, you cannot interfere directly with the neighbour for fear of getting off on the wrong footing.  Nevertheless, public duty tells you that these kids need looking after.  So, would it be possible to find out who is the site foreman of the new building development and get them to have a word with your neighbour about the danger of the trucks and/or get them to put notices up to slow the trucks etc?  Here in the UK, we have a social services department that would look into a case like this, but it is always difficult for you to remain anonymous.  However, you don't want an accident to happen just to prove you are in the right.  Do your children go to the same school?  Could you have a word at school in confidence and get them to reinforce the bike safety rules?  You are in a difficult situation, but perhaps just by your example, the children themselves will learn as clearly the parents do not seem responsible enough to do so.  How sad.  Good luck with it - I fear for the children like you.

  11. I might be difficult, however I believe you should speak to their parents.  Try and explain to the parents that you are concerned for the safety of their children as there are work trucks coming up and down the street.

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