
Neighbor Yard Problem?

by  |  earlier

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Ok. My next door neighbor has TONS of c**p in their yard 2 little kid blow up pool that are never used, old mattresses and boxsprings, TONS of boxes and trash a hot tub on their front porch and more. I thought there was a legal term for this type of distrubance but I can't think of it.




  1. Call one of your city commissioner's.

  2. Look into your area's zoning laws, and if you are in a development the owner may have contractual guidelines for property owners and the property upkeep.

    In more rural areas without zoning laws, there's a reason people have garbage dumps in their yards...cause there's no law against it.

    Step one, contact your county / town and see where that gets you.

  3. Public nuisance comes to mind. The local authorities will undoubtely be happy to have a bit of a chinwag with her.

  4. I think the best answer is that, you go there and ask how you can help. If they say Yes or NO you can (not) help us. Then help them. Believe me, either way they will clean it up, because they will know that their messiness bothers you.

  5. you may be looking for the word..eyesore..their is a limit on yard your public works dept. and ask what to do

  6. If you see even one rat, then it's a public health hazard. Which city hall is legally bound to investigate and resolve. Try calling your public health inspector or sanitation office.

  7. Call your city/county inspector and tell them the problems.  They will pay a visit and hopefully make them clean up their act.

  8. complain to the city.  they could be fined for this and forced to clean up their yard.

  9.    Call your city's Code Enforcement.  There is nothing worse then having Code Enforcement on your back,

  10. anti social behaviour is what i know it as cumin from a councillor [my mum] cos i spose it is
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