
Neighbor boy threatens to kill my daughters?

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We have had some issues with one of the neighborhood boys. He has no supervision and runs the neighborhood. He has and extreame potty mouth and earlier in the week was saying some very crude things to my girls. We told him that that was unacceptable at our home and that he was to go home. Well yesterday, we find out that he has been telling the other kids that he is going to kill my daughters and he has a pocketknife to do it with. Talking to his mother hasn't done anything, she thinks that everything he says is just because "he's a kid". We have banned him from our house. There is something really wrong with him to be making threats at his age. Is there anything we can do to get him help?




  1. You have to talk to a police or social services to get him help. I would not wait, he needs some help.

  2. Politely ask their parents if they have noticed, try not to make them angry, and maybe give them some advice on behaviour problems, because it is not normal for a kid of his age to be so violent.

  3. That's insane! Try his parents again, and if they're still in denial, call the police. Try the principal too, if they go to the same school. Good luck!

  4. Call the police. He might be serious. If the police don't take you seriously, I suggest you move.

  5. First of all, weapons of any sort are prohibited in schools.  Secondly, because of Columbine [and several other shootings] you are to never take any type of threat made by a student lightly.  It's obvious that they [some] will act on them.

    Contact the school and let them know that this kid carries a pocket knife and that he's made threats to your daughters.  Contact the police and do the right thing [both by him and your daughters...society, for that matter].

  6. You'd do better going to the principal of his school. He probably has a track record of mischief.

  7. Well, if he goes to the same school as your daughters then let the principal know. This is similar to what  happened to my little cousin. We went down to her school told the principal and he told the parents that if your child continues to do this he will be sent home back to you...And if that doesn't work then we will find another way. But thankfully we didn't have to find another way...Good Luck

  8. Call the police.

  9. hes probably making idle threats. i would be worried, but not too worried. many young boys want to feel powerful so the threaten people who are weaker. i would tell his parents, but not bother with the police unless things get to the point where he starts showing the knife and getting more serious. i dont think there is anything wrong with him. it is just his age, but thats no excuse.

  10. call the cops i don't care if he is 8 he cant be making threats like that because most likely he isnt kidding

  11. Have you reported this to anyone..local police, family and childrens service...don't let them shrug this off as "kids just being kids" we have seen on nightly news what kids are capable of. If you can't get attention that way, call the local newspaper, nothing gets people off their back sides and moving like the media.

  12. i think he either has just seen something that he wants to impersonate or hes mad about being banned so hes trying to scare you and your kids into lettting him back in.

    still for safety precautions call the police

  13. Why haven't you called the police already?  Forget about "getting him help", your daughters' safety comes first.  It seems like you're treating his "issues" as casually as his mother.  Pick up the phone and call the police and let them handle it.  The time for namby-pamby handling of this junior psychopath is long past.  Call the police right now.

  14. Call the police... IMMEDIATLY!

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