
Neighbor complaining about a naked 2 and 3 year old?

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I have 5 kids (13, 6, 4, 3, and 1) and 5 nieces/nephews (7, 7, 5, 3, and 14 months) that are staying with me for a while because of an emergency situation. Anyway, my husband came home with this giant watercolor paper pad. Unfolded, it was as big as a tarp. So, we bought some finger pants, and just let them have fun with it in the front yard.

I never even thought twice about it, I told them they couldn't keep their clothes on. The 2, and 3 year old were naked. My neighbor came over because she didn't think it was "right" that I "made them" get naked. And she was "surprised" that my 4 year old was just wearing underpants. Would you be like this? I think it is totally fine! Their young!




  1. I would have had my daughter in the back yard not the front yard but she was just trying to cause a fight who cares what she thinks next time tell her to stay off your property and keep her eyes on her yard and she won't see what's going on in your yard.

  2. thers no problem with that there *** holes they need a life

  3. tell her to keep her eyes in her own yard.

  4. I don't see anything wrong with it and I admire you for handling all the kids so well. Tell her thank you for her concern but she has 5 seconds to get off your property before you call the cops.

  5. Its understandable, but if the older ones wore t-shirts and underwear, then why not the younger ones? Or at least underwear for the youngest ones? I wouldn't let my kid play naked (finger painting or not) in the front yard. Now, if it was in the back yard, then ok I might be more lenient. But definitely not the front yard. As for the neighbor, I guess kinda understand what her problem was with the nudity, but she could have minded her own business or handled it differently. But if it were me, I would be more worried about perverts seeing them in the front yard naked. At least put some underwear on them next time. Of course their young, but these days you have to be more cautious about that kinda stuff.

  6. I think some people on here are a little overboard with the "keep your eyes in your own yard" comments.  It all depends on your neighborhood.  If you are in an area where there are lots of trees and the houses are spread a long way apart with little street traffic... it's much less of a big deal (although, I must say I would probably have opted for the back yard or at least had their underwear still on, or over-sized T-shirts like for the older kids).  But in neighborhoods where the houses are lined up closely together, directly across the street from one another and the houses are close to the street, or if there is a lot of traffic through the neighborhood I can see legitimate concern.  Not that it was wrong, but that there might have been a better choice.  Your neighbor may not have much choice about what she is seeing-- her yard or not... is her front door oriented to your front yard?  Was she expecting guests?  Was she out in her front yard doing yard work?  Maybe she was just concerned that the kids might be inadvertently exposing themselves to deviants who might easily be able to watch (not meaning your neighbor who spoke to you, by the way)... Have you run one of those s*x offender lists for your area?  You could be surprised by what you find... it might make you think twice...  There is more to the answer to this than "was it wrong or am I right".

    Maybe you could stick them in swimsuits next time?  Just use watercolor paints instead...

  7. You need to teach them to keep their clothes on hon.You never know when a pedophile may be passing by,and also as they get older you will have harder time explaining to them why they cannot go around naked whenever they want.

  8. I am going to be different from the above.  I disapprove of letting the kids run around naked in the front yard.  The back yard is fine, but not the front.  There are too many sick people out there for me to feel comfortable with this.

    I assume that you were out there watching your little ones.  But would I say something to the Mom, probably not.

  9. I don't think I would have my children naked in my front yard.  My back yard for something like that, probably, but not the front.  That said, I don't think it was her place to come over and scold you about it unless she is your mother.

  10. Oh my goodness the FUN those children were having!!!!  Did the neighbor want to join and had to many wrinkles to show?  

    They are kids having fun big deal.  Unfortunately people have to but their noses every where.  Next time ask her if she wants to do the laundry?  

    Sounds like fun next time let me know and I will send my kids over to join.  

  11. I would have at least had underpants or a pull up on since they were outside but I really think that your neighbor should have minded her own business. I let my 3 year old run around outside in a pullup but I don't let my 4 year old outside in only her underwear. But around the house my 3 year old has run around naked, and I've let my 4 year old run around in her underpants. But as they get older they will be dressed. Even though I personally would have had something on them like underpants you didn't do anything wrong, so your neighbor should lay off.

  12. Your neighbor is a bit of a cook if you ask me.  :-)

    You didn't do anything wrong!

  13. I personally would have tried to keep them in training pants or a diaper instead of totally stripping them down. Just for modesty.

    Yes, they are young, but they are also getting to the age that they need to know that it is not OK to run around naked in public. My 3 year old peed his pants outside this morning and stripped them off in front of the house. I hustled him inside ( laughing the whole time) and told him that all the neighbors did not want to see his bare tushy. The neighbor was probably a little uncomfortable with the public nudity even if they are just toddlers

  14. i wouldnt have my kids naked in the front yard but i wouldnt make a big deal, i mean im not gonna stay staring at them so i could care less...maybe that person was a pervert before or has been around pervert people

  15. tell the neighbor to mind there own business. i think that it is fine. i would not be like this. i would have probably ask if my daughter could join the fun.  

  16. There is no problem at all.

    Your neighbors are obviously perverts if  they think that it's not right.

  17. that is completely ridiculous! they sound like the neighbors that just want something to complain about. the only people who would say something are the ones who look at it weird in the first place.

    they are young and they were just having fun. i would never let my daughter finger paint in a nice outfit, i would put her in her underwear or something. its not like shes 15 and topless! lol

    i agree with the person above, she needs to keep her eyes in her own yard.

  18. Well as weird as it sounds even though letting the little ones run free sometimes at that age is cool. I personally would opt for the backyard not the front yard. I've let my kiddos run bare at that age but in private. Some folks are nasty..

    I admit when I drive by and see my neighbors allowing their young ones to run in the yard diaper less I want so badly to say something. But it's not place, not my child.  

  19. It's such a shame that we now live in a world where this kind of thing can now be considered inappropriate, by some.

    What did the neighbour think - that you were getting some sort of sexual gratification from it? Or that they were? Of course not... it makes no sense. She has simply allowed her views to be influenced and affected by media scare and the rare, sick individuals out there.

    In your shoes, I would say: "Well I don't think it's "right" that you are looking at my children in this way. They are having harmless fun and have taken their clothes off to save ruining perfectly good outfits. It is you turning this into an 'inappropriate situation', not me, and not them. Back off."

    Grrr! This has got me angry! What did you say at the time?

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