
Neighbor does not like people walking across yard. How Should I handle this, since I am on our Assoc. Board?

by Guest59946  |  earlier

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Here is part of an e-mail that was sent to me.

My grass is not the concern. It is kids knowing what their boundaries are. My yard is not everyone's yard. If I had a fence up, no one would hop it to get from one place to the other. Sidewalks would be used. That is my point. Not my grass being damaged. What ever happened to respecting people's property. It's the principal, it's not respectful, especially to those that don't even have kids. I've taught my kids that unless you are playing at someones house, you have no business being there. If other kids are cutting across people's grass, you still go around,unless you have permission by the home owner, you don't cut corners either. You use the driveways and sidewalks to go up to someones house. That is respect for people's property.

If the grass was a concern, we wouldn't have gotten a dog or had kids.

How should I respond since I am an adult and I walk across other peoples yards without permission also?




  1. It is his property and even though he may sound petty to you, he deserves to not have people just walk all over his property.

    I agree with sending on a email or flyer to the neighborhood, and start showing an example by not walking on his lawn.  If you have neighbors that don't care, then by all means, do it.  He obviously doesn't like it.

  2. i would appolgize and let your children know not to walk on his grass.. this guys e-mail was polite direct and true!  unless you want to pay the grass bill (some people are weird) then you should at the very least respect his wishes on his property!

    i mean you wouldn't mind if i stopped on your yard and let my dog go poo on your yard without picking it up.. and that's sort of where this guy is coming from!  he pays the mortage and shouldn't have to put up a fence because other people are not respectfull...

    Talk to the guy ask him if his kids can play in the yard maybe that's what he wants!  someone to ask!  to show respect because even tho it's sort of silly it's still disrespectful to walk on someone yard!  

    I personally could care less.. but it's also for your childs safty and pets! what if he just put some stuff on his grass and the chemicale your kids are sensitive to and they have bleeding eyse (a bit dramatic) but you get my point!

    just because you don't care about your respect on your property don't mean everyone else can!

    and this man could of been very very mean but i think he was being honest and respectful!  and he is comeing to y ou first prior to getting any legal action invovled!  respect his wishes or give him money!

  3. Acknowledge his concerns -you could suggest putting up "keep off the grass" or "please use sidewalks" signs. Otherwise, putting up a fence is the only sure-fire solution. Sometimes I see people with corner lots put in landscaping at the corner, or just a corner fence, that discourages people from cutting through.

    And, as an adult, and a member of the association board, you should set a good example by not cutting across people's yards.

  4. I totally agree with this guy.  I lived in a house whereas that would happen all of the time.  Neighbors got together and put up a fence.  However, my next door neighbors kids still would walk on everyone's grass.

    It's really upsetting when you work so hard to maintain a nice lawn.

  5. Step 1 send a supportive email stating that you understand the why their upset.

    Step 2 send out a neighborhood notice regarding the issues.

    PS I really this this person needs to get a life. I have a girl girl too. If they really don't want people walking in their yard PUT UP A FENCE!

  6. You shouldn't walk across people's yards, particularly strangers. It is not courteous. Use the public sidewalk.

    As for the email, just say something along the lines of, "Thank you for letting me know. I'm sure everyone on the street will try their best to use the public sidewalk from now on."

    EDIT: I did not read that you are on the Assoc. Board at first glance. In that case, suggest a fence, and tell him/her that you will be sending out a notice reminding the neighborhood to use the public sidewalks instead of lawns.

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