
Neighbor kids dangerous driving?

by  |  earlier

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I live on a rural road with 7 neighbors in about 1.5 miles. One of the families has 4 kids. Three of these kids have valid driver licenses and one does not. The parents have purchased vehicles for all of them and they all consistently drive in a dangerous manner along our road. Of the other 6 families 3 have small children that like to play between pastures but with the kids of this other family driving so fast and dangerously the 3 families are afraid to let their children play beyond a small distance from the house. Just as a note when I say a small distance I mean within a few tens of feet on properties that average 20 acres. these kids are a menace. Does anyone out there have any advice on how to handle this situation?




  1. Talk to one another, and then approach the parents of "these kids".

    If that doesn't work, then I would talk to the police.

  2. report it to the council before its too late.

    parents should be able to have a little sense of it after reporting.

    Take care buddy

  3. Some communities, they install "speed bumps".  If the cars do NOT slow down, it will damage the car.

    Most cars have to pass OVER the speed bumps down to 2 to 3 MPH so not to damage the cars.  Few of these and the cars (trucks) drivers will not even bother speeding up given they have to slow down anyway.

    You can get together with your other neighbors and see if they can be installed (either privately or through the local government)

    Good Luck...

    P.S.  if one of the kids is driving without a license, then get it on video tape and then inform the police (and the local press).  Public pressure will make them act.

  4. All of the other parents should get together and tell the parents of the menaces what is going on and how it is effecting the lives of their children. You live in the country so your kids can have a safe place to play, they should be able to respect that. If not, the menaces are breaking the law, get their licenses taken away and their cars impounded.

  5. this road isn't any different than any other. call the police and have them patrol it now and then. learn the kids to play off the road also.

  6. Two words: spike strips.

  7. Just call the police and they will handle this for you.

  8. talk to them retards about it and if they wanna continue being stupid call the cops and get em a ticket for child endangerment and wreckless driving. explain why it would be child endangerment and the cops shouldnt b stupid enuf to need to kno y there is a wreckless driving ticket needed

  9. I think it would be good if all of them were spanked by their parents... Brats like this should not be spoiled~

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