
Neighbor kids swiping stuff?

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We have a carport. we keep a little fridge on it with drinks in it, gatorades, sodas etc. It seems like I am filling it up constantly. The kids next door come over and if they are playing my daughter gives them a drink. But it seems like they are now helping themselves even if we are not home. They dont listen when I tell them to stay off the carport if we arent home. I even looked out the window one night to see the boy taking my sons bike off the carport to ride it around the yard. The parents dont seem to care, they let the kids play out in the highway on their bikes, and at 5 and 9 ride several blocks away from the house without supervision. But if I tell them they yell at the kids but since they are never supervised they dont know what they are doing. I dont want to not be able to enjoy a cold drink outside because I figure its my house..... whats a good way to handle this.




  1. "I even looked out the window one night to see the boy taking my sons bike off the carport to ride it around the yard."  So why didn't YOU call the police?   When someone trespasses onto your property and steal your things you call the police.

  2. call CPS and have those kids taken to a home where they will learn rules or call the cops cause thats trespassing

  3. talk to their mom--pull her aside when you two are alone, and explain about her children stealing

    then talk to the children again, and tell them if they are caught disobeying the rules they cant come over anymore

    i agree with that other person, post a sign with your "Carport Rules" for the kids to see

    if they dont stop, call the police

  4. Call the police on them!!!!

  5. call DHR !! and if you have a garage but your fridge and stuff in the garage !!

  6. Put a lock on the fridge. If they were older I'd say fill it up with small plastic Mountain Dew and Sprite bottles with salt water. That may be too much but it would take care of the problem.

  7. Maybe you should put some type of sign in front of the carport or on the fridge. Make it a big poster. Maybe you could title it "Carport Rules" or "your family's name Rules" Make a set of rules or warnings in clear, large print. Example:

    Carport Rules:

    1. You may only get a drink if you have permision, it is considered stealing if you don't

    2. You may only ride other's bikes if you have their permission as well. Would you like it if your bike was ridden without your permission??

    If these rules are broken your parents will be contacted and informed of your behavior. Thank you

    Also when you see the kids doing something that you dislike, like riding your children's bikes go outside and catch them in the act and get really mad at them and even go to their house to tell their parents. If I was a kid I would be really scared if a someone cought me doing that and then going straight to my house to tell my parents what I just did. Those kids would get in some trouble I'm sure. They probably wouldn't do it again if you did that. Also is there a way you can lock the fridge?? Like maybe buy a chain and put a padlock on it. Also maybe you can chain up the bikes too, or put them inside your garage or back porch or something. I just got another idea, maybe you could empty out the fridge one night and put a small letter/sign inside it, so when they open the fridge to get a drink they will see the sign/letter and read it. You could talk about how you have seen them steal drinks from there and that it is wrong ect. Good luck!

  8. you cant have that fridge outside.  bring it all in the house.  my son was doing the same thing, neighbor kids would be in our garage and then he would give out all the pops.  then the other kids got bolder and just would walk into the fridge not even ask and drink a can.  no thank you nothing.  i try to just stick with water and koolaid.

  9. Catch them in the act,use a camera(with a flash bulb), make sure you get them in picture, and make sure they see the flash bulb flash, and then go back in yur house, same with the bike, sodas whatever you suspect they are taking w/o your permission, then when they are over to your house the next time, if they bring up, fine BUT they don't you bring it up, say I have you on film,if you come our carport again and take anything,charges will be pressed,on you and your parents for taking care of you. then, so you will have the law behind you, call them have them come to your house, make sure these kids sees the officers, and tell the officers why,ask them, (for real) if there can be anything done about these boys coming onto your property when you're home w/o your permission, and taking the bike,and sodas,show them the pictures you took, and they will say yes,you can press charges,then tell them about the parents, not using supervision with the kids, if nothing else(scare the kids about charges)that may stop the theiving of your property. Good Luck.Now whether you do press charges is your right!

  10. Lock up your stuff!

  11. keep your valuables locked up -you have to take responsibility here, too.  file a police report for missing or stolen items.  learn to ignore the children and relax.

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