
Neighbor playing loud music - how to best deal with this issue.? [10 points]?

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RIght as Im writting this I can hear my neighboors extremly loud music and its driving me crazy. Its been like this ever since I got home for like 3 hours now. How can I get them to stop. I just want to sleep. I have to work tommrow at 6. I would go say something politely but I dont think they speak english very well and I dont want sound retarted going over there. Can I call the cops for something like this? Its not really an emergency but they just moved in. I dont want them to think this is acceptable. On top of that they have abunch of cars over and one is half way in the top of my driveway. I just want some peace and quiet without being a bitchh. Did you ever have to deal with this?

Any advise I will choose a best anwser.





  1. I had the same problem a few years ago. I did call the cops, and they came out & gave the neighbor a 'warning'.

    Three 'warnings' later, the music was STILL playing loud enough where I could feel my walls shaking.

    I kept reporting this, and the next cop that showed up, I walked outside and spoke to him, telling him that 3 of his colleagues had already shown up and issued warnings that went unheeded. I finally suggested to him that someone should be arrested before these clowns disrespected not only me but also the police force.

    The officer then did something or other that finally stopped the noise.

    You should definitely call the police. You should NOT confront your neighbors yourself, especially not when there is a language barrier. People who are disrespectful enough to disturb their neighbor's peace and trespass on your property by illegally parking their vehicle on it may also harm or threaten you if you confront them.

    Such behavior does not deserve a friendly and neighborly confrontation.

    These folks need to be put in their place, and you should not risk harm to yourself by doing it yourself.

  2. try solving this at a grass roots level first. knock on their door and tell them the music is thumping right through the wall and giving you a headache, and also that you have to go to work in the morning. be polite but firm. i had a neighbour do this to me! now i am very aware of reasonable noise levels, and we are friends, we bake cookies for each other! it's important to be a good neighbour,a nd be on good terms, as this is where you live!

  3. Just call the police.  The neighbors know it is loud and they don't care.  I had to do this repeatedly over the years with a next-door neighbor and finally moved.

    By the by - it doesn't matter the hour.  Any time it is too loud you can call the police.  Same with the car parked over your driveway.

  4. forget work ! join the party!

  5. Then don't be a *****.  Just take a few deep breaths, go over there, be nice and sincere.  You could say something like, "I know you're trying to have a good time, but could you turn it down a bit, it's really loud in my place."  If they refuse, tell them you will call the police.  Then call them.  There may be some sound law like no loud noise after 9 or 10pm so the police can tell you that too.

    That sucks about their car.  They should have checked with you first about parking there or not done it.  That's making me think they might be ***holes.  If the car is in your way, let them know about it.

    Try to be as civil as possible and not get into a neighbor war.  Then no one wins.

  6. i would just anonymously call the nonemergency police number. they'll tell them to shut up.

  7. its  friday  night you  arent  going  to  stop  anything  so  why  not  just  accept that   and  watch  tv  till its  over.  you  might  just  crash if  your  teired  enough .  if  youre  not  that  tired  anyway  then  you  will  probably  get  by on  4  hrs  sleep .  you  wont  be  the  first  person  to  go  to  work  on no  sleep.  .  new  parents  do it  all  the  time

    suck it  up

  8. Most cities have noise ordinances. If the music is loud and it is after 11pm, I would call the cops. Let them deal with it. If it gets louder after the first warning, call again. The cops will take care of it.

  9. Im guesing they are mexican.....hey they like to party i aint mad at that.......but you need your sleep and they need to respect you....leave a note at their door....ring the door bell and run away real fast.

    just an idea.....make it real cute add smily faces and sad faces lol

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