
Neighbor trouble, what should I do?

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To start off, my neighbor is fairly nice (the woman at least.) Today me and my family are playing basketball at the side of the house. She comes over and complains the "bouncing of the ball is too noisy" she says she knows it's our property, yadda yadda yadda, but she would like it if we'd stop (Playing basketball all together.. even in the middle of the day). What can we do? We don't want to be bad neighbors, but this is a little insane.. we buy a new basketball net, set it up, and now we can't even play it due to a retarded neighbor. Help?




  1. First you know respect the person not saying stop plaaying bb but h**l she needs to realize that the area is not her's. I would guess talk to her or tell your landlord about the sistuation. that's the best thing. if she wasn't being nosiy how she know you was playing ball really think about it.

  2. Unless she is throwing in a little bit on the mortgage payments...I would be nice, but basketball would be...ON!!

  3. To keep the peace, may it be possible to move the net to another area?  If not, it's your property, play ball. Just be respectful and maybe

    not play late in the evening

  4. wow. she sounds like a little complainer! a basketball is even that loud when you bounce it. Just keep doing what you love and you know she can deal with it.  

  5. You're caught between two difficult choices.  You want to be polite to your neighbor (you may someday need to ask her to stop doing something which is driving you crazy), but you also want to use the basketball net and ball which are, after all, on your property.  You might consider negotiating with her about certain specific times when the basketball playing would be less bothersome, for example, only after ten o'clock in the morning, and never later than four o'clock in the afternoon.  If she is resistant to that kind of compromise, you might investigate further with her what the source of the problem is.  Maybe her objection to the basketball playing is a symptom of a larger problem.  If those tactics do not work, you are faced with a nasty choice.  You can continue using the basketball net just as much as you wish, and risk developing a very unpleasant relationship with the neighbor, or you can decide that in the great scheme of things, you are better off doing your basketball practice at the local school yard, and hope that the neighbor does not make any additional unreasonable demands.

  6. Well, if you really care about being a good neighbor then you could stop, but if you don't care as much, then I suggest you keep on playing basketball. She can't legally sue you and it's your property. Good Luck.

  7. You are entitled to play basketball on your own property.Tell you neighbor you are not going to give up your outdoor fun just because she can't handle the noise.Ask her over for a barbecue or just a cold drink and maybe a game of basketball! Some how you gotta make peace afterall, you might be living next door for a very long time.If she decides to make it more difficult for you, then call the police and ask them what they reccomend you do, then this could fall into the category of harassment. Good luck!

  8. talk with her and let her know that family time is important to you and this is part of having fun with your family.Ask her what her suggestion is and if it is unreasonable then say you are sorry but as a family you will continue to play ball.Sometimes you just cant please some people .But reach out 1st  

  9. find out exectly why and reason with her you have rights to or buy her a cd player with head phones for when you are playing {include Beetovens loudest syphony}

  10. tell her you want to be a good neighbor, is their a compromise, perhaps a time of day that's best for you to play? your not willing to give it up but you would like  to get along.

  11. is there another place to move the hoop? is she out somewheres doing something so shes not around to hear the noise? but if not...well hey its your property if you wanna play basketball do it. if you wanna scream at the top of your lungs do it. do what pleases you not what your neighbor says you can do. :)  

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