
Neighborhood Patrol?

by  |  earlier

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Every morning, sometime between 3:00-:5:00 AM, usually around 3:30 AM, an unmarked station wagon drives through my neighborhood, with a yellow cop-light type thing on top of it.

What's this car doing? Do you guys think it's just neighborhood patrol or what?




  1. Next time they drive by pull a gun on em and ask the wth there doin in your area. If they play dumb shoot a warnin shot into the air and press it right in between his eyes. If he says he is innocent blast him right in his face and say thats for lying. Problem solved. Make it look like a suicied. Or just call the cops.

  2. Could be.  I would alert your local law enforcement agency to patrol your area between the noted times to conduct a field interview on the vehicle to discern its purpose for being in the area. There have been alot police impersonators happening lately.  They could be trying that?  It is probably non-threatening though such as it is a person driving their OVERSIZED LOAD ESCORT VEHICLE to work, security vehicle to work, neighborhood watch, inspector reporting to work, or somthing along those lines.  Either way, do not confront them and do not forget to call your Law Enforcement Agency for extra patrol.  You might see if you can grab a License Plate number for the PD as well.  that always helps them out. Hope this helps you out.

  3. It could be anything. Lock your doors and windows to be safe. Utilities, highway dept, newspaper delivery could be some of the possibilities

  4. Probably some sort of utility vehicle look for a City of ------ thing on it... or it maybe an oversize load car on their way to work, a security guard...but write down the license plate and call the Police.

  5. Next time you see it call the police.

  6. Depends. Where is it that you live? Good neighborhood? If not, it probably isn't. If you are, it probably isn't as well. If you fear this vehicle, and believe it's a danger to the community, try to write the liscence plate and report it to SDT. Tell them what's going on, and once again, they will either check on your area at that precise time, or they won't because they're busy dealing with a bad neighborhood.

    Best wishes!
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