
Neighbors flag?

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my neighbors have a flag hanging off of thier fornt porch. its white with a wide red frame and a small dark blue star in the center. where is it from?




  1. It's called the national service flag.

    This website discusses it

  2. military service member in the family.

    I love the idea of baking them cookies. We don't do enough to show our troops and their families what they mean to us. Sometimes it is hard to know HOW to show it. That's a great idea!

  3. Why don't you ask them?

  4. Georgia, I think.

  5. I believe "shilo9i " is correct.

  6. It means that they have a son or daughter fighting in Iraq.  The more stars the more children that are over there.

  7. That means they have one member of their family deployed in the US armed forces.

  8. Visit your neighbor and ask about the flag.

    It might be interesting to know.

  9. Starville


    Does it look like that? If yes, it is a Service Star Banner. The Department of Defense has authorized these flags to be displayed by "the immediate family" of a member or the Armed Forces of the United States during the country's current "war" status. The flag has a white background, with a red border and a blue star in the center of the flag. (One star for each family member serving in the Armed Forces.) A "gold" star indicates the death of the Service Member.

  11. It is a service banner and represents that at least one member of their family is serving in the military.  The practice was very common in the United States during World War II and is making a resergence.  The number of stars means how many members of their family is serving in the military.  If you ever watch the movie Saving Private Ryan, there is a service flag in the movie with 4 stars.

    A banner with a gold star means that someone was killed in combat.

  12. Arizona, Nevada and Oregon

    Canada and Mexico

  13. As was posted , it is a service banner/flag.

    You can read more about it here:

    I am currently trying to get a charter and chapter established here in Vt.


    Shilo9i and hossfly,

    The family member does not have to be in a deployed status for the banner/flag to be displayed.  Please check out the link I provided for the regulations on displaying one.

  14. Service flag, as you read above.

    Please, bake them some cookies, and go ask them how their family member is doing. Thank them for raising a patriot!

    Ask how you can help (care packages?)

    Good on you for noticing. I encourage you to reach out to them and make your neighbor into a friend!
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