It hasn't been cleaned in over seven years. It is an a\inground pool and the woman living there paren'ts passed away, shes about sixty and has health problems supposedly. Last year, there were tall grasses and moss and thick green water like a swamp in it. After a winter storm, a tree feel in it and she didn't have it taken out. My mother called the town and they removed the grasses, and tree and then it was just green. About two months ago we saw large frogs swimming in it, and a rat or some small small rodent swim into the filter (which doesn't work) I'm assuming as protection and dryness. Weeks later, two skunks had managed to fall into the pool, and sadly dround. TWO. It didn't smell, but my sister lives with us again with her almost three year old daughter and she plays in the backyard almost everyday.. also. The neighbors on the other side of the pool also have 3 young children. My mother called and so did the mother from the other house and the woman who owns the house had to re