
Neighbors mean to their kids, what do you do?

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We have neighbors that are mean to their 4 children. We have never met them or have gotten to know them. They will not associate with anyone in the neighborhood. The mother constantly yells at them and uses many profane words (f word) and also calls them dummies and tells them how stupid they are.

It is really frustrating as we hear it all the time even though their house is diagonal from ours. Our kids have noticed it now and tell me "That lady is yelling again". I really don't want our kids to hear the words coming out of her mouth either.

I haved called CPS and they said an investigation wouldn't be opened because it is only emotional abuse and wouldn't waste the time.

What do you do? I feel so sorry for the kids and fear that if she does this in plain view of the neighbors, what does she do in the home. Also I am tired of hearing her yelling and screaming.

Any help would be great!




  1. Call the Police and report a disturbance. Call CPS AGAIN, and KEEP calling, if you're genuinely concerned about the children's wellbeing. And I can't believe CPS won't do anything when it comes to emotional abuse. Emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse...

    If that doesn't work let the mother know that you can hear her and you think what she's saying is wrong...

  2. First off there may be issues within the family that you or the neighbor hood knows about. Yes, it is wrong to take it out on the kids, but maybe she was taught that way to raise her children. There are several issues to take in. Maybe she has not had a break from them. Instead of calling someone maybe you should go over there and say something. Or try giving her some parentings magizines. But, if you do not comfront the issue your children are not being taught a very good lesson either, so, they are being hurt too. You are teaching them not to deal with their issues: Instead you are teaching them to have someone else take care of it. The is not a perfect parent out there, and if there is let them speak up because I should want to know the secret. But, by you not sticking up about the problem, you are teaching your children to back down from a thing like this. Instead of calling someone deal with it head on. Just be thankful she doesn't beat them, and before you go poking your nose into other people's problems maybe you should sit down and talk to her and find out were she comes from. The saying holds true never judge a book by its cover because you never know what that person has dealt with.  

  3. This breaks my heart.

    You could keep track of when she yells, and what she says and for how long- write it down with dates, too. This may be important information. Also, keep track of when she tends to yell (who knows what else is going on behind those doors) and try calling right when she begins yelling. You could even call as a "disturbance of peace" and hopefully it will shed light on what is going on in there.

    Also, you could keep an eye on the children- watch for bruises, long sleeves in summer- you never know. This is a touchy subject, but you just never know.

    Finally, if your kids are the same way, why not invite the children over to play? They might confide in you and see you as a stable adult.

  4. If you need evidence, sneak either some small voice recorders or any other recording device when they're not around. I'm sure you can take up a case with the Home owner's Association against her disruptive actions.

    Also, emotional abuse can be even more damaging than physical, and I find it odd that the CPS does not recognize that. Maybe that is something else you should take up with them as well.

  5. when the screaming starts pop your head over the fence and ask if everything i alright? just make it sound like someone was hurt.

    This will let them know your watching.

    If it keeps up call human services no child deserves to suffer.

  6. Call the police on her as*

  7. Call the police and tell them she's disturbing the peace. Of course, you are going to have to do this anonoymously or your neighbors are going to be yelling at you next.

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