
Neighbours taking a pee?

by  |  earlier

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Earlier today, my neighbour walked into their garden and stood there and i saw a stream of something between there legs, so they must have been peeing. Have any of u seen anything like this?




  1. No!  I've never, ever, ever, ever, ever seen a guy whip it out and let loose ANYwhere but in a toilet, corner of a train carriage, side of a building, behind a car, in a sink, loungeroom, potplant......  I can't BELIEVE a guy would do that in their backyard...

  2. ..marking their territory...gross, eh?

  3. apparently, urinating on your compost heap/compost bin is helpful in breaking down the compost.

    also if your neighbour has only one bathroom, and its in use, he may have been desperate.

  4. my neighbor does this all the time , I just sit back and enjoy the view , he's hot

  5. It's only in America that we consider public urination obscene.  In Europe, if a man has to whiz, he just pulls over alongside the edge of a road.  We've still got a lot of puritain in our consciousness over here.  Also, the nitrogen in urine is good for growing plants.

  6. Yes,I have,I was startled at the time but,it had nothing to do with me.It wasn't in my garden.Didn't someone in the Whitehouse do the same thing up against a tree?Didn't George Dubbya Bush walk across the lawns one day and spit onto the lawn,an even dirtier act if you ask me.

  7. The teenage boys next door have always done so as does the old guy behind us. No one else seems to care, the boys mom knows they do it and comments, its better they don't track in the house. My boys have begun to do so a little more discretely and I'm letting it go for now, boys will be boys.

  8. I saw something like that today!

    This man walked into his garden, looked around, faecd the opposite way I was looking and stood there with his hands around the front of his body. I thought he was peeing, then I saw a stream of urine, so he was was peeing!

    Maybe all the toilets in his house were taken, or he just likes peeing outside!

    He wasn't very discrete, if all the loos in my house were taken, I'd go discreetly in the garden, maybe against the house not just in the middle of the garden on the grass. He could've went in his sink or in the woods near the back of his house, he could've went anywhere else. Maybe he doesn't care if anyone sees him, but it is strange!

  9. yeah...why not? if he had to go, he had to go. No sense in going back inside and spending more money on the water bill.

  10. not next door but on the side of the road. About a month a go we passed a bus, behind the pass was a full load of men all standing in the bushes peeing. About 30 men standing in a row... So funny. They must have been a sporting team or something cos they were yeah and all looked fit. We sore a few bums.. hehehehe :P

  11. Saving water by not flushing - very ecologically sound!

  12. don't they have toilets?

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