
Neither Mc Cain or Obama have any power to offset the balance in Georgia.?True.? ?

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True, Both are power less and a vote of confidence is a waste of your vote.

They can bark at the russsian one barking better then the other one but is just that a powerless barking candidate, remember, We need a president not a soldier and Obama is just that, Mc cain is a soldier but with experience as captive nothing else, his experience as a politician has been marked by negative results. America Vote Obama.?




  1. Latest News-

  2. yes it's true because the race is on november election

  3. Georgia is an independent country. U.S. has no absolute power over it.

    However, McCain would send troops to defend Georgia; whereas Obama would send diplomatic message to Russia to defend Georgia.

    As a result, McCain would trigger WWIII immediately; whereas Obama would give a period of diplomacy before pushing the nuke button.  

  4. Definitely true...each of the two is still aspiring to be elected as President. They may "out-bark" each other but that's primarily for US domestic consumption.  For now, their  "barking"  will remain as  powerless as they are to the world in general and probably to independent-minded and non-partisan Americans.


    I suggest for a small research be done on MacCain's accomplishments before we looked down his soldiery as nothing else but a captive.  Granting as such only, but do we knew or experienced how it feels to be in such a nerve-wracking situation?  Person of lesser strength - physically and mentally - will probably succumbed to that ordeal.

    Any objective-minded will not dare to say that his experience as a politician was marked by "negative results". This pretty unfair, as if MacCain had not contributed good from his entire political career.

    Every person who wants to be elected aspires for a change or changes ..and Obama is no different from those who had mouthed this still effective cliche.  I perceived Obama as highly qualified too sans those rhetorics which are not entirely his and showbiz-like media hoopla on his foreign trips. He dont have to resort to this gimmickry to present his outstanding qualification to American people.  

    On flip-flopping, sometimes in our lives we do the same thing - to be flexible as the situation demands.   Who flip-flop the most does not matter.

    MacCain should let the public discerns or interprete Obama's public pronouncements.  He dont have to use it to the latter's disadvantage. Stick to the multifarious issues ordinary Americans face with difficulty.  Like Obama, he's  most qualified too not only to deal his own country's domestic affairs but also internationally.  

    If there is one slight edge of MacCain over Obama, it would be his military background.  He could be a more powerful and effective Commander-in-Chief once elected to the Oval Office considering the ongoing US military missions overseas among these is Georgia-Russia tension.  

    Hope MacCain  or Obama if elected,  plans for gradual reduction or total pullout of US forces.  The former (MacCain) certainly knew the aftermath of a war from his own experience.

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