
Nelson Mandela/South Africa?

by Guest418  |  earlier

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Why do some people say that Nelson Mandela took everyhing from the whites and gave to the blacks, and then someone came along took everything from black gave it to the whites?

I heard that life in South Africa used to be good years ago what happend now? Why did itall go bad? Thanks




  1. Life in South Africa is still very good for those who have money or work hard.  Nelson Mandela has been an inspiration to many. He has set the example for forgiveness and peace - a pity that there are a few small groups in South AFrica who did not learn from him. The majority of the people in South Africa are peace loving people who only want the best for their families. We are all touched by the crime, we are all touched by corrupt officials - but still we continue to live our lives and work for a better future. The old white government was corrupt, people seem to forget that the country was bankrupt when the ANC took over. But then there are corrupt officials in the new government. In both cases these are the men and women who cares only for themselves! Corruption is not limited to South Africa - just look at the USA and their corruption scandals... But I believe it has been the challenges that we as South Africans had to face during many years, that has made us such a great nation - forget the politics, forget the colour and race - see how we all get together when the Springbok rugby team brings home the world cup. See how we pray together when people need it. With a bit of understanding and tolerance and by ignoring the ignorance from those who does not understand these concepts - we will have a great future!

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