
Nelson Mandella was two years older than McCain when he became president, so why don't liberals hate him too?

by Guest58650  |  earlier

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President of S. Africa that is




  1. Mandella hated the white people and permitted rape of white women.

    The Left love him for that.

    Those evil whites diserve their fate.  

  2. He wasn't Commander- in Chief of the World's largest military force and he didn't have his fingers on the nuclear button.

    webbrew. and somehow that qualifies him to be President? Go and play some video war games.

  3. I agree. It's funny though McCain fought for his country too...

    He was a hero. It's just a double standard.  

  4. liberals don't "hate" people as much as you conservatives do, because HATE is one of the things you conservatives mistake for a "family value"...along with adultery and lying and hypocrisy.

  5. Double standards are a way of life for them.

  6. Because it has nothing to do with age.

    Mandela is also a liberal.

  7. OMG!  Liberals don't hate Loose Lips Grampy McSame they just don't want the old geezer to be president.

    And in my opinion. it's very disrespectful to even mention Nelson Mandela in the same sentence.

  8. I personally hate everyone over the age of 70.

    What is wrong with you? Mandela was a political prisoner and a champion of social justice. He was imprisoned for standing up for human rights.

    He wasn't a bazillionaire elitist willing to change his entire political platform just to be president before he died (which doesn't seem to far off).

  9. Well, because he has the same values we do.

  10. No, liberals love Mandella because he actually fought for his country's and his people's freedom who were murdered for wanting freedom.  Mandella suffered for it for over 20 years as a political prisoner (part of which he was tortured) in very squalid conditions in his own country. He's an actual hero who comes out of his experience firmly against torture by any nation on any people.  He has integrity.   McCain is a bitter old elitist man who was shot down in Viet Nam who just wants to make the corporations feel more free to rob you of your paycheck. He was tortured, then stated he was against torture, yet signed on to Bush's bill of allowing torture (the same kind that McCain went through in Viet Nam) to be done by this country on POW's from Iraq. McCain is a hypocrite in the worst way.  He sold out his integrity to try to become president of the U.S. You can't trust him on anything he says.   Also, Nelson Mandella isn't running for president in this country.  McCain is and his being a POW does not qualify him to be president.

    Webbrew:  McCain was imprisoned 4 years and he was tortured 2 years of that 4.  He wasn't tortured the entire time. And, his being a POW does not qualify him to be leader of this country.

  11. Because Mandela is a socialist, and therefore a liberal hero. Definite double standard.

  12. Artgirl,

    your ignorance is astounding, truly. John McCain was a POW in Vietnam for 5 years, during which time he was savagely beaten daily. NEXT TIME YOU DEMEAN AN AMERICAN HERO LIKE THAT YOU REALLY OUGHT TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.


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