My daughter is 12 weeks old and has been prescribed Neocate for a chronic cows milk protein allergy that results in allergic colitis. This is her 5th milk and she really has been through it while we've tried to find her a suitable milk - anyway, it seems that Neocate is the best milk on the market for her so I am relieved that our Doctor prescribed it (here in the UK it is HARD to get it due to cost) tastes repulsive, worse than Nutramigen in fact which I thought was impossible. So I just wondered if any of you had any tips on how to improve the flavour? I have read on some allergy websites that some people suggest Nesquick or Crusher which is sugar free but these seem a bit extreme for a 12 week old. I totally understand that she is just going to have to suck it up and get used to it but she really has tolerated more than I would so if you've got any tips, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks a lot!