
Neon orange corys - anyone had/seen these corys?

by Guest32647  |  earlier

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I saw this recently at a pet store for $12 each.They also had neon green corys as well. I was fascinated that this species even existed. I believe it's a natural color and not dyed. Has anyone kept these fishes and can share their experiences? Also do you think it's a fair price?




  1. I know you said you don't think they are dyed.... but are you sure they aren't just Albino cory cats? i did a little research and i cant find those anywhere on the net. if those fish at the store had any white with the "neon" color it probably is just a dyed albino

    or maybe the tank lights fooled your eyes? this is an albino under cool lighting..

    this is probably what you saw..... something like this?

    yeah thats another poor fish thats been injected with dyes

    EDIT: if you want a bright colored neon fish i would look at the glofish

    these fish aren't injected with dyes. they are actually zebra danios that have been genetically altered years ago and now just reproduce in these bright colors

    this has all the information about them...

    EDIT #2: likes i said those fish are NOT neon what the guy below me did ... is he has is picture of a Emerald cory cat with funky lighting.

    this is an emerald cory cat

    and his 2nd orange cory... is an albino under orange lighting just like this one that i posted before.

    I also found these fish... that look a lot like you explained they are kinda neon but only have stripes not fully colored.

    if this is what you mean then yes these are not genetical altered... :) they do show this colors under good lighting just like albinos can almost appear gold if you have the correct lighting. i would definitly go purchase those! they are really cool looking. (plus the website where i found some pics had them up for 15 dollars a piece! so your getting them cheaper at your store :)

  2. They are not dyed, and heres a picture.

    Also there is a Green Laser corycat.

    Please do not spread ignorance about dyed fish when the fish isn't even dyed.

    They are rare, and unless your planning to breed them buy a few females and a males. If just for the tank, they will live for a while as long as you take care of them.


  3. Sorry, these are not natural.  They are injected while still young with neon colors to bring a higher price.  Often these colors won't stay and will fade as the fish gets older.  Sometimes these fish can get tumors from the dyes that are injected into their bodies.  It is a fair price if this is what you wish to pay for this type of "species".  I wouldn't.  

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