
Neon tetra disease question! help!

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I had 4 neon tetras(no other fish) in a 5 gallon tank. One died last night although I didn't notice it was sick so I am not sure cause of death.

Although today I noticed another neon looking almost sickly. Above its blue stripe is all white and brownish actually, unusual coloring for it and the other colors are very dell. It seems to be lethargic so I am assuming it has neon tetra disease. The other fish look almost normal nothing as bad as this one.

I quarantined it away from the -now- other 2 fish in ~2 L fish bowl. As I have no other option available.

I know there is no cure for Neon Tetra Disease but if it by chance doesnt have it will it be okay w/o a pump?

Thanks :(




  1. At this point, the treatment suggested by that site can't hurt.  However, as long as you have it in a bowl, the fish doesn't stand much of a chance.  With the small volume, the fish will become very stressed, and as ammonia builds up, it will essentially suffocate and suffer from chemical burns simultaneously.  On top of that, there is no temperature control, and as the water cools at night, the fish will likely die.  Really, unless you get a quarantine tank, there isn't much sense trying to treat the fish, as it will die anyway.  I would strongly recommend following the site's advice and treating the main tank, as this will prevent any current, unmanifested pathogens from reaching a more advanced stage of infection.

    The biggest problem at the moment is that you have Neons in a 5 gallon tank.  You can't follow some absurd ratio for stocking an aquarium-- an length of fish cannot be equated to a specific amount of water.  Neons are EXTREMELY sensitive to fluctuations, and a small volume of water certainly ins't good at resisting change.  Problems spiral out of control FAR more rapidly in small amounts of water than those where there is adequate dilution.  The little swimming space will also be quite stressful.  It is quite clear that the 5 gallon tank isn't working out, so to say that keeping Neons in the tank is fine just isn't well founded.

  2. both of mine died at the same time

    but i think they just die easily

  3. A matured tank is a tank that has been running for many months without problems. Also a 5 gallon tank is a bit small for neon tetras who constantly swim back and forth. Less of a shoal and no plants, the Neon tetras tend to become stress. Start flashing their fins, and in the end look like aneorexic fish. So skinny they are lethargic and barely eat.


    It is quite annoying when someone asks for help and completely voids out the suggestion. Why? Because you are ignorant and if you don't care about your fish why even ask for help.

    Neons like to swim left and right, thus a bigger tank width wise is best. Though they grow to about an inch, and 5 gallon tank is WAY TO SMALL.

    But why even bother to persuade you, ignorance is bliss. I don't feel to sugar coat my words if your not even going to try the help.


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