
Neon tetra fish dieing!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so yesterday we bought three neons

and the morning i found one under this woden thing in my tank

at first i thought it was sleeping like my clown loaches do

(no the clown loaches do not eat them or bug them at all.)

so i lifted the wooden thing to find out it was dead i took it out

but now the second one is very pale has a hard time swimming and hangs out at the very top of the tank. so i am concered about if this is bad for my tank

i have:

3 clown loaches

2 placasomes (dish that suck stuff off th walls)

2 gurami

all of these fish are fine

the water condition is perfect and its 3 month tank

i have a heater

a filter

and a bubbler

please help

the fish just died

and i know the third one will die because its alone

so please help me!!

thank you!




  1. you need atleast 6 neons in a school

  2. Neon tetras are pretty delicate fish. They like the water at this temp as an example. Their tank has to be just right for them in order for them to survive. I have yet to be able to keep a neon tetra alive. And I've been a fish keeper for many years. And I believe that all the fish etc that you have in your tank is just fine. I love clown loaches by the way. They can be hours of fun if you just sit and watch the goofy things. At least I think so anyway. Anyway, I have three tetras in one of my fish tanks but not the neon type. These neon's are a bit bigger with an orange strip going down their sides. I've had these guy's for over a year and they are just as beautiful as the neon tetras. They are much hardier and aren't so darn picky. They live with a catfish, a beautiful snakeskin turquoise discus ( from the chilid family ), and some taties. They all get along just fine. Well I hope that this has helped you out in some way. Good Luck!!!!!

  3. You didn't say what size fish tank this is. I had 3 clown loaches and 2 plecos and they outgrew my 150g and were crashing my bioload even with 3 filters. So..... keep that in mind.

    Also, tetras need to be kept in shoals. They are schooling fish and I would suggest keeping them in large numbers, no less than 5. So try again with more tetras and make sure your water parameters are where they are supposed to be before you add more fish.

  4. sorry about your neons

    did you check your nitrate levels? plecostamus are HORRIBLE waste producers. to be safe for now do a 25% water change.

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