
Neopets Brain Tree help???

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I need this for

When and where Kevin Eyrie died





  1.  Copia y pega este mensaje en 5 foros diferente luego ve al desierto perdido y te aparecera ha ocurrido algo TNT te de por tu generosidad y 52 pinceles a tu eleccion.

  2. What about David Chiapot? Not found in Karima Chakik's post..

  3.  Thomas Aisha anyone know where they died?

  4. cuando y donde murio Rupert Nimmo?

  5.  Bruce Jetsam pleaseeee

  6. Where and when Boris Poogle die?

  7. when did Lenny Poogle die?

  8.  what is the date and place for shawn tonu i cant find it



  11. cuando y donde murio ethel chomby

  12. where and when did margaret aisha die?

  13. cuando y donde murio sian jubjub?

  14. Where did Frank Koi die?!!!?

  15. Chris aisha please please quick 15 minutes left!!!

  16. Usula Pteria ???

  17. Usula Pteria ???

  18. Rebecca Mynci where and when?

  19. it says that adam jub jub didnt die 31 BN in the  Fairie Woods

  20. WHEN did lenny tonu die?

  21. hey did someone know the date and where that f*****g mad died!

  22. when die willian chia

  23. idk

  24. charles tonu kan ik maar niet vinden

  25. copian una y otraves y asi sucesivamente la misma lista.
    pero resulta que lo que le toco a uno a el le toca nada mas.

    Ya que como veran a mi me dijo el shopagor que Harry pteria murio el: 27AN.
    el lugar no lo busque porque me salia 2m

  26. copian una y otraves y asi sucesivamente la misma lista.
    pero resulta que lo que le toco a uno a el le toca nada mas.

    Ya que como veran a mi me dijo el shopagor que Harry pteria murio el: 27AN.
    el lugar no lo busque porque me salia 2m

  27. When did david jub jub die and where.

    Please answer



  30. when did rebecca de kiko die?

  31. I need to no where david nimmo died only 35 mins left

  32. i didn't see usula kyrii

  33. where did boris poogli die?!!?!?!?!?!?!? quick only have 55 mins left!!!!!!

  34. Aishia Aisha 22BN Virtopia

    William Aisha 25 BN The Pumpkin Patch

    Anghorad Brooglemeister 38 BN Skull Rock

    Frank Brooglemister 33 BN Umbuku Island

    Rebecca Brooglemeister 28 BN Umbuku Island

    Lupe Brooglemeister 23 BN

    Maxwell Brooglemeiser 35 BN

    Usula Brooglemeister 31 BN Faerie Woods

    Ethel Browslovski 36 BN

    Aisha Bruce 27NB Haunted Woods

    Howard Bruce 32 BN

    Michael Bruce 24 BN Neopia City

    Boris Napolean Chia 35 BN Umbuka Island

    Derek Chia 31 BN Mystery Island

    Englebert Chia 18 BN Faerie Woods

    Ethel Chia 30 BN Virtopia

    Frank Chia 35 BN Maraqua

    Maxwell Chia 35 BN Umbuka Island

    Maxwell Napolean Chia 35 BN Umbuka Island

    Napolean Chia 35 BN Umbuka Island

    Thomas Chia 26 BN Pumkin Patch

    Charles Chiapot 41 BN Neopia City

    Chris Chiapot 31 BN The Haunted Graveyard

    Derek Chiapot 28 BN Faerie Woods

    Donna Chiapot 27 BN The Marketplace

    Lupe Chiapot 33 BN The Haunted Graveyard

    Maxwell Chiapot 26 BN

    Rupert Chiapot 27 BN Virtopia

    Vladimir Chiapot 39 BN

    Ursula Chiapot 26 BN The Lightning Swamp

    Shawn Chompy 34 BN Lightning Swamp

    Engelbert de Kiko 41 BN The Lightning Swamp

    Frank de Kiko 26 BN Neopia City

    Kevin De Kiko 35 BN Haunted Graveyard

    Michael de Kiko 35 BN

    Sophie Eyrie 24 BN Umbuku Island

    David Flotsam 30BN

    Donna Flotsam 29 BN

    Frank Flotsam 48 BN Skull Rock

    Lenny Flotsam 34 BN Umbuka Island

    Shoy Flotsam 51 BN Mystery Island

    Boris Gelert 30 BN

    Margaret Gelert 28BN The Pumpkin Patch

    Margaret Gelert 37 BN Lightning Swamp

    Aishia Grundo 38 BN Umbuku Island
    Ethel Grundo 37 BN Maraqua

    Sophie Grundo 41 BN

    Aishia Jetsam 36 BN Neopia City

    Angharad Jetsam 34 BN

    Chris Jetsam 29 BN Upper Neopia

    Englebert Jetsam 40 BN The Marketplace

    Ethel Jetsam 31 BN Virtopia

    James Jetsam 31 BN Umbuku Island

    Lenny Jetsam 33 BN

    Rupert Jetsam 31 BN

    Rupert Jetsam 24 BN The Haunted Woods

    Shawn Jetsam 35 BN Faerie Woods

    Shawn Jetsam 28 BN Upper Neopia

    Frank Jubjub 28 BN Maraqua

    Angharad Kacheek 34 BN

    Bruce Kacheek 50 BN

    Derek Kacheek 37 BN

    Derek Kacheek 21 BN Lost Desert

    Donna Kacheek 34 BN The Lightning Swamp

    James Kacheek 27 BN Upper Neopia

    Kevin Kacheek 24 BN The Marketplace

    Margaret Kacheek 32BN

    Margaret Kacheek 24 BN

    Sian Kacheek 30 BN

    Bruce Koi 36 BN The Haunted Woods

    Ethel Koi 28 BN Mystery Island

    Rupert Koi 43 BN Maraqua

    Aishia Korbat 41 BN Faerie Woods

    Adam Kyrii 32BN Neopia City

    Bruce Lenny 18 BN Skull Rock

    Sophie Lenny 39 BN Virtopia

    Margaret Lupe 35 BN Upper Neopia

    Adam Meerca 31 BN Mystery Island

    David Meerca 36 BN

    Lenny Meerca 38 BN Virtopia

    Usula Meerca 38 BN Skull Rock

    Bruce Nimmo 39 BN

    Howard Nimmo 33 BN

    Shawn Nimmo 35 BN

    Vladimir Nimmo 34 BN The Haunted Graveyard

    William Nimmo 26 BN Neopia City

    Rebecca Poogle 55 BN The Pumpkin Patch

    Margaret Poogle 36 BN Upper Neopia

    Thomas Poogle 42BN

    Frank Pteri 27BN The Haunted Graveyard

    Blumy Skeith 34 BN Mystery Island

    Boris Skeith 35 BN Maraqua

    Donna Skeith 27 BN The Marketplace

    Kevin Skeith 18BN Umbuku Island

    Kevin Skeith 38 BN The Haunted Graveyard

    Rebecca Skeith 42 BN Upper Neopia

    Usula Skeith 31 BN

    Usula Skeith 19 BN Neopian City

    Kevin Sloth 38 BN Virtopia

    Lenny Sloth 44 BN Mystery Island

    Lupe Sloth 30 BN The Haunted Woods

    Michael Sloth 20 BN Upper Neopia

    Shoy Sloth 42 BN

    Vladimir Sloth 24 BN

    Aisha Techo 35 BN

    Blumy Techo 36 BN

    Bruce Techo 30 BN Umbuku Island

    Charles Techo 44 BN Maraqua

    Chris Techo 44 BN The Haunted Woods

    Kevin Techo 70 BN The Graveyard

    Oscar Techo 20 BN Neopia City

    Rupert Techo 41 BN

    Thomas Techo 27 BN The Haunted Woods

    Usula Techo 39 BN

    Chester Tonu 22 BN The Lightning Swamp

    Harry Tonu 26BN The Great Cliffs

    Angharad van Tramp 25 BN

    Rupert van Tramp 33 BN

    Shawn van Tramp 37 BN The Haunted Woods

    Sophie van Tramp 33 BN The Lightning Swamp

    Usula van Tramp 43 BN The Haunted Graveyard

    Chani Vaughan 30 BN Upper Neopia

    Engelbert Vaughan 32 BN Dome Trunk

    Helen Vaughan 26 BN

    Kevin Vaughan 46 BN Faerie Woods

    Lenny Vaughan 31 BN Skull Rock

    Rebecca Vaughan 37 BN Umbuku Island

    Sian Vaughan 24 BN

    Vladimir Vaughan 42 BN Neopia City

    Donna von Borakan 31 BN

    Donna Von Borovan 24 BN Mystery Island

    Frank von Borovan 23 BN Neopia City

    Lenny von Borovan 28 BN Upper Neopia

    Lupe von Borovan 39 BN The Haunted Woods

    Oscar von Borovan 31 BN

    Rupert Von Boravon 30 BN

    Angharad von Currywurst 20 BN Upper Neopia

  35. James Aisha isnt on any list! where and when?

  36. Hi,
    A fictional character in Neopets. The Brain Tree is just making up these fictitious characters who supposedly died. No one else knows the answer to the questions that the Brain Tree asks but the Esophagor.

  37. where and when did lenny poogli die

  38. when and where Shawn Koi died?

  39. Michael de Kiko 35 BN

  40. i dont see james bruce can you help me plz

  41. rupert mynci

  42. # Aishia Aisha 22 BN Virtopia
    # Barry Aisha 31 BN
    # Barry Aisha 37 BN The Haunted Woods
    # Ethel Aisha 38 BN Virtopia
    # Howard Aisha 54 BN The Pumpkin Patch
    # Sian Aisha 28 BN Neopia City
    # Sophie Aisha 32 BN Faeire Woods
    # William Aisha 25 BN The Pumpkin Patch
    # Anghorad Brooglemeister 38 BN Skull Rock
    # Chester Brooglemeister 41 BN Maraqua
    # Frank Brooglemister 33 BN Umbuku Island
    # Helen Brooglemeister 18 BN Maraqua
    # Lupe Brooglemeister 23 BN
    # Maxwell Brooglemeiser 35 BN
    # Michael Brooglemeister 34 BN Faerie Woods
    # Oscar Brooglemeister 50 BN
    # Rebecca Brooglemeister 28 BN Umbuku Island
    # Shawn Brooglemeister 37 BN Upper Neopia
    # Sophie Brooglemeister 30 BN Maraqua
    # Usula Brooglemeister 31 BN Faerie Woods
    # Blumy Browslovski 32 BN
    # Chester Browslovski 29 BN Virtopia
    # Ethel Browslovski 36 BN
    # Kevin Browslovski 25 BN The Haunted Woods
    # Rupert Browslovski 32 BN
    # Shawn Browslovski 22 BN The Marketplace
    # Shawn Browslovski 28 BN Maraqua
    # Sophie Browslovski 34 BN Umbuku Island
    # Aisha Bruce 27 BN Haunted Woods
    # Barry Bruce 26 BN Mystery Island
    # Boris Bruce 43 BN Maraqua
    # Howard Bruce 32 BN
    # Howard Bruce 42 BN The Hunted Woods
    # Lenny Bruce 43 BN Maraqua
    # Michael Bruce 24 BN Neopia City
    # Rebecca Bruce 31 BN Mystery Island
    # Sian Bruce 30 BN Upper Neopia
    # Usula Bruce 25 BN Umbuku Island
    # William Bruce 35 BN
    # Boris Napolean Chia 35 BN Umbuka Island
    # Charles Chia 33 BN Virtopia
    # Derek Chia 31 BN Mystery Island
    # Derek Chia 31 BN Upper Neopia
    # Englebert Chia 18 BN Faerie Woods
    # Ethel Chia 30 BN Virtopia
    # Ethel Chia 39 BN The Haunted Woods
    # Ethel Chia 35 BN The Lightning Swamp - Thank you Michaela!
    # Frank Chia 35 BN Maraqua
    # Frank Chia 25 BN Mystery Island
    # Harry Chia 28 BN The Great Cliffs
    # Helen Chia 51 BN
    # Lupe Chia 21 BN
    # Maxwell Chia 35 BN Umbuku Island
    # Maxwell Napolean Chia 35 BN Umbuku Island
    # Michael Chia 31 BN The Marketplace
    # Napolean Chia 35 BN Umbuku Island
    # Rupert Chia 29 BN
    # Shawn Chia 34 BN
    # Sian Chia 26 BN The Lightning Swamp
    # Thomas Chia 26 BN Pumkin Patch
    # Aishia Chiapot 41 BN Upper Neopia
    # Aishia Chiapot 42 BN Skull Rock
    # Bruce Chiapot 35 BN Umbuku Island
    # Chani Chiapot 35 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Charles Chiapot 41 BN Neopia City  
    # Chris Chiapot 31 BN The Haunted Graveyard
    # Derek Chiapot 28 BN Faerie Woods
    # Donna Chiapot 27 BN The Marketplace
    # Ethel Chiapot 26 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Harry Chiapot 25 BN Haunted Woods    
    # Lenny Chiapot 22 BN    
    # Lenny Chiapot 38 BN Virtopia    
    # Lupe Chiapot 33 BN The Haunted Graveyard
    # Lupe Chiapot 33 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Maxwell Chiapot 26 BN
    # Rebecca Chiapot 26 BN Mystery Island    
    # Rebecca Chiapot 41 BN Maraqua    
    # Rupert Chiapot 27 BN Virtopia  
    # Sophie Chiapot 39 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Usula Chiapot 26 BN The Lightning Swamp
    # Vladimir Chiapot 39 BN
    # William Chiapot 22 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Adam Comby 29 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Barry Chomby 35 BN Virtopia  
    # Boris Chomby 40 BN Haunted Graveyard    
    # Chris Chomby 37 BN Upper Neopia  
    # David Chomby 22 BN Neopia City  
    # Ethan Chomby 20 BN The Lightning Swamp  
    # Ethel Chomby 26 BN  
    # Ethel Chomby 34 BN Lightning Swamp  
    # Frank Chomby 31 BN Neopia City  
    # Lenny Chomby 28 BN Mystery Island  
    # Margaret Chomby 30 BN The Haunted Graveyard  
    # Margaret Chomby 30 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Michael Chomby 32 BN Skull Rock    
    # Rebecca Chomby 20 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Shawn Chompy 34 BN Lightning Swamp
    # Usula Chomby 31 BN  
    # Aishia de Kiko 32 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Derek de Kiko 27 BN Umbuku Island  
    # Engelbert de Kiko 41 BN The Lightning Swamp
    # Frank de Kiko 26 BN Neopia City
    # Howard de Kiko 31 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Kevin de Kiko 35 BN Haunted Graveyard    
    # Lenny de Kiko 27 BN Maraqua  
    # Michael de Kiko 35 BN
    # Rupert de Kiko 35 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Shawn de Kiko 30 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Shawn de Kiko 31 BN The marketplace    
    # Shoy de Kiko 39 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Sian de Kiko 39 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Sophie de Kiko 37 BN    
    # Vladimir de Kiko 37 BN    
    # William de Kiko 30 BN Mystery Island    
    # Adam Eyrie 25 BN    
    # Boris Eyrie 26 BN    
    # Chris Eyrie 38 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # David Eyrie 46 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Derek Eyrie 46 BN Market    
    # Ethel Eyrie 32 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Ethel Eyrie 33 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Harry Eyrie 31 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Harry Eyrie 46 BN  
    # Howard Eyrie 26 BN  
    # Howard Eyrie 42 BN Mystery Island    
    # Margaret Eyrie 45 BN    
    # Margaret Eyrie 35 BN Virtopia    
    # Margaret Eyrie 28 BN  
    # Rebecca Eyrie 33 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Rebecca Eyrie 31 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Sophie Eyrie 24 BN Umbuku Island  
    # Thomas Eyrie 44 BN Neopia City  
    # Thomas Eyrie 32 BN Terror Mountain  
    # Adam Flotsam 42 BN  
    # Aisha Flotsam 38 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Boris Flotsam 36 BN  
    # Boris Flotsam 45 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Chester Flotsam 39 BN Maraqua    
    # Chris Flotsam 36 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # David Flotsam 30 BN    
    # David Flotsam 29 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # David Flotsam 35 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Derek Flotsam 37 BN    
    # Derek Flotsam 39 BN Skull Rock    
    # Donna Flotsam 29 BN
    # Ethel Flotsam 36 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Frank Flotsam 48 BN Skull Rock
    # Helen Flotsam 39 BN    
    # Lenny Flotsam 34 BN Umbuku Island
    # Napolean Flotsam 43 BN    
    # Rebecca Flotsam 30 BN Virtopia    
    # Shawn Flotsam 33 BN Skull Rock    
    # Shoy Flotsam 51 BN Mystery Island
    # Sian Flotsam 29 BN Virtopia    
    # Sophie Flotsam 35 BN Neopia City    
    # Sopie Flotsam 35 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Adam Gelert 24 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Boris Gelert 30 BN    
    # Bruce Gelert 29 BN Marketplace    
    # Chester Gelert 32 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Chester Gelert 32 BN  
    # Ethan Gelert 26 BN Neopia City  
    # Frank Gelert 34 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Howard Gelert 33 BN    
    # Howard Gelert 42 BN Skull Rock  
    # Kevin Gelert 44 BN Maraqua    
    # Margaret Gelert 28 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Margaret Gelert 37 BN Lightning Swamp    
    # Michael Gelert 24 BN Neopia City  
    # Sain Gelert 32 BN    
    # Sophie Gelert 35 BN The Great Cliffs  
    # Thomas Gelert 31 BN  
    # Usula Gelert 30 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Aishia Grundo 38 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Aisha Grundo 37 BN    
    # Aishia Grundo 35 BN Maraqua    
    # Boris Grundo 26 BN Skull Rock  
    # Chris Grundo 33 BN Neopia City    
    # Ethel Grundo 37 BN Maraqua    
    # Harry Grundo 34 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Kevin Grundo 30 BN The Marketplace    
    # Michael Grundo 29 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # Shawn Grundo 29 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Sophie Grundo 41 BN    
    # Sophie Grundo 20 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Aishia Jetsam 36 BN Neopia City    
    # Aisha Jetsam 44 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Angharad Jetsam 34 BN
    # Boris Jetsam 33 BN    
    # Chris Jetsam 29 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Derek Jetsam 30 BN The Haunted Graveyard  
    # Donna Jetsam 32 BN Pumpkin Patch    
    # Englebert Jetsam 40 BN The Marketplace
    # Ethan Jetsam 46 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Ethel Jetsam 31 BN Virtopia
    # Ethel Jetsam 42 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Frank Jetsam 39 BN Upper Neopia    
    # James Jetsam 31 BN Umbuku Island
    # James Jetsam 38 BN The Pumpkin Patch  
    # Helen Jetsam 41 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Lenny Jetsam 33 BN
    # Lenny Jetsam 36 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Oscar Jetsam 43 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Rebecca Jetsam 36 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Rupert Jetsam 31 BN
    # Rupert Jetsam 24 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Shawn Jetsam 35 BN Faerie Woods
    # Shawn Jetsam 28 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Sophie Jetsam 37 BN Skull Rock    
    # Sophie Jetsam 19 BN Maraqua    
    # Usula Jetsam 18 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # William Jetsam 43 BN    
    # Adam Jubjub 31 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Barry Jubjub 29 BN    
    # Charles JubJub 40 BN Haunted Woods  
    # Chester Jubjub 44 BN  
    # Derek Jubjub 41 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Ethan Jubjub 21 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Frank Jubjub 28 BN Maraqua  
    # Harry Jubjub 30 BN The Lightning Swamp  
    # Howard Jubjub 49 BN The Lightning Swamp  
    # Kevin Jubjub 42 BN The Pumpkin Patch  
    # Michael Jubjub 34BN    
    # Sian Jubjub 33 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Shawn Jubjub 29 BN    
    # Sophie Jubjub 38 BN  
    # Aisha Kacheek 30 BN Haunted graveyard  
    # Angharad Kacheek 34 BN
    # Angharad Kacheek 40 BN
    # Barry Kacheek 36 BN The Pumpkin Patch  
    # Bruce Kacheek 50 BN
    # Charles Kacheek 36 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Chester Kacheek 51 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Chris Kacheek 33 BN    
    # Derek Kacheek 37 BN
    # Derek Kacheek 21 BN Lost Desert    
    # Donna Kacheek 34 BN The Lightning Swamp
    # Ethan Kacheek 35 BN The Haunted Woods  
    # Ethel Kacheek 33 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Frank Kacheek 34 BN The Pumpkin Patch  
    # Harry Kacheek 30 BN Mystery Island  
    # Harry Kacheek 41 BN  
    # Howard Kacheek 44 BN Maraqua  
    # James Kacheek 27 BN Upper Neopia
    # James Kacheek 33 BN The Haunted Woods  
    # Kevin Kacheek 24 BN The Marketplace    
    # Lenny Kacheek 38 BN Umbuku Island  
    # Lupe Kacheek 36 BN Mystery Island    
    # Margaret Kacheek 32 BN    
    # Margaret Kacheek 24 BN  
    # Rebecca Kacheek 24 BN The Pumpkin Patch  
    # Rebecca Kacheek 33 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Rupert Kacheek 37 BN Umbuku Island  
    # Rupert Kacheek 29 BN Mystery Island  
    # Sian Kacheek 30 BN
    # Thomas Kacheek 35 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # William Kacheek 33 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # William Kacheek 38 BN Lightning Swamp  
    # Boris Kiko 39 BN  
    # Helen Kiko 39 BN  
    # Bruce Koi 36 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Chris Koi 34 BN    
    # Chris Koi 40 BN The Haunted Woods  
    # Derek Koi 29 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Ethel Koi 28 BN Mystery Island    
    # Frank Koi 33 BN    
    # James Koi 40 BN Marketplace    
    # Lenny Koi 34 BN Skull Rock    
    # Mararet Koi 40 BN Maraqua    
    # Rupert Koi 43 BN Maraqua    
    # Shawn Koi 37 BN Haunted Woods  
    # Sophie Koi 32 BN Virtopia    
    # Thomas Koi 30 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Usula Koi 36 BN    
    # Adam Korbat 22 BN    
    # Aishia Korbat 41 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Aisha Korbat 22 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Chester Korbat 40 BN Maraqua    
    # David Korbat 34 BN The Marketplace  
    # Derek Korbat 40 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Ethan Korbat 36 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # Howard Korbat 30 BN    
    # Howard Korbat 24 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # James Korbat 40 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Kevin Korbat 26 BN Virtopia    
    # Margaret Korbat 48 BN Neopia City    
    # Michael Korbat 33 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Rebecca Korbat 31 BN    
    # Rupert Korbat 44 BN Marketplace    
    # Sian Korbat 31 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Sophie Korbat 40 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # William Korbat 46 BN Skull Rock    
    # Adam Kyrii 32 BN Neopia City    
    # Barry Kyrii 42 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Barry Kyrii 36 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # Boris Kyrii 34 BN Maraqua  
    # Charles Kyrii 21 BN Pumpkin Patch    
    # David Kyrii 40 BN Maraqua  
    # Frank Kyrii 23 BN The Haunted Graveyard  
    # James Kyrii 41 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Kevin Kyrii 24 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Michael Kyrii 43 BN Haunted Woods  
    # Rebecca Kyrii 50 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Rupert Kyrii 38 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Shawn Kyrii 31 BN The Lightning Swamp
    # Sian Kyrii 39 BN Neopia City - Thank you Llona!    
    # Sophie Kyrii 39 BN Maraqua    
    # Willam Kyrii 30 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Aishia Lenny 31 BN Neopia City  
    # Barry Lenny 41 BN Mystery Island    
    # Bruce Lenny 18 BN Skull Rock    
    # Chester Lenny 28 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Chester Lenny 30 BN The Marketplace    
    # Frank Lenny 26 BN The Haunted Woods  
    # Kevin Lenny 33 BN Virtopia    
    # Lenny Lenny 46 BN Neopia City  
    # Margaret Lenny 18 BN Neopia City    
    # Margaret Lenny 28 BN maraqua    
    # Sophie Lenny 39 BN Virtopia  
    # Sophie Lenny 44 BN    
    # Boris Lupe 31 BN    
    # Bruce Lupe 35 BN The Great Cliffs  
    # Chris Lupe 35 BN Mystery Island    
    # Ethel Lupe 45 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Harry Lupe 33 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # James Lupe 35 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Margaret Lupe 35 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Usula Lupe 42 BN Skull Rock  
    # William Lupe 30 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Adam Meerca 31 BN Mystery Island    
    # Bruce Meerca 32 BN Haunted Woods    
    # Charles Meerca 30 BN Upper Neopia    
    # David Meerca 36 BN  
    # David Meerca 33 BN Maraqua    
    # Ethan Meerca 28 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Ethel Meerca 34 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Ethel Meerca 17 BN    
    # Frank Meerca 34 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Howard Meerca 30 BN    
    # Lenny Meerca 38 BN Virtopia  
    # Margaret Meerca 30 BN    
    # Michael Meerca 31 BN Virtopia  
    # Rebecca Meerca 33 BN    
    # Sian Meerca 39 BN Mystery Island    
    # Sophie Meerca 19 BN Skull Rock    
    # Usula Meerca 38 BN Skull Rock    
    # Usula Meerca 27 BN The Marketplace    
    # William Meerca 51 BN    
    # William Meerca 38 BN Maraqua    
    # Boris Mynci 29 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # Ethan Mynci 47 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Frank Mynci 38 BN  
    # Howard Mynci 27 BN Great Cliffs  
    # James Mynci 41 BN Maraqua    
    # Kevin Mynci 29 BN Virtopia  
    # Shawn Mynci 30 BN Umbuku Island  
    # Shawn Mynci 31 BN  
    # William Mynci 41 BN Virtopia  
    # William Mynci 48 BN  
    # William Mynci 26 BN    
    # Usula Mynci 25 BN    
    # Aishia Nimmo 16 BN Maraqua    
    # Bruce Nimmo 39 BN
    # Bruce Nimmo 22 BN Neopia City  
    # David Nimmo 26 BN    
    # Derek Nimmo 38 BN Mystery Island    
    # Frank Nimmo 27 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Harry Nimmo 39 BN Maraqua    
    # Helen Nimmo 39 BN Maraqua    
    # Howard Nimmo 33 BN    
    # Kevin Nimmo 29 BN The Haunted Graveyard  
    # Lenny Nimmo 34 BN Graveyard  
    # Michael Nimmo 37 BN Lightning Swamp    
    # Rupert Nimmo 21 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Shawn Nimmo 35 BN  
    # Sian Nimmo 31 BN The Marketplace    
    # Usula Nimmo 27 BN Marketplace    
    # Vladimir Nimmo 34 BN The Haunted Graveyard
    # Vladimir Nimmo 21 BN Faerie Woods    
    # William Nimmo 26 BN Neopia City    
    # Martha Peophin 56 BN Yennits Island    
    # Adam Poogle 38 BN    
    # Adam Poogle 31 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Aishia Poogle 33 BN Maraqua
    # Barry Poogle 17 BN Mystery Island    
    # Barry Poogle 38 BN Skull Rock    
    # Barry Poogle 20 BN Virtopia    
    # Boris Poogle 31 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Bruce Poogle 46 BN Mystery Island  
    # Charles Poogle 28 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Chester Poogle 32 BN Upper Neopia
    # Chester Poogle 31 BN The Pumpkin Patch  
    # Chris Poogle 38 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # David Poogle 30 BN Virtopia    
    # Derek Poogle 39 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Derek Poogle 21 BN Mystery Island    
    # Ethel Poogle 44 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Ethel Poogle 48 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # Harry Poogle 51 BN Maraqua    
    # James Poogle 34 BN Skull Rock  
    # Kevin Poogle 41 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Margaret Poogle 36 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Margaret Poogle 32 BN    
    # Rebecca Poogle 55 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Sian Poogle 33 BN Neopia City    
    # Sian Poogle 42 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Sophie Poogle 26 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Thomas Poogle 42 BN    
    # Thomas Poogle 22 BN Virtopia  
    # Thomas Poogle 33 BN Neopia City    
    # Thomas Poogle 30 BN Neopia City    
    # Usula Poogle 30 BN The Marketplace  
    # Adam Pteria 35 BN    
    # Aishia Pteria 28 BN The Marketplace    
    # Barry Pteria 26 BN    
    # Boris Pteria 35 BN Neopia City    
    # Bruce Pteria 47 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # Charles Pteria 38 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Chester Pteria 41 BN    
    # Chris Pteria 24 BN    
    # David Pteria 26 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Ethel Pteria 21 BN Marketplace  
    # Frank Pteria 27 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Harry Pteria 40 BN The Marketplace  
    # Howard Pteria 37 BN Neopia City    
    # James Pteria 37 BN    
    # Kevin Pteria 51 BN The Marketplace    
    # Lenny Pteria 34 BN Mystery Island    
    # Margaret Pteria 43 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Rebecca Pteria 41 BN Pumpkin Patch    
    # Rupert Pteria 38 BN Virtopia    
    # Shawn Pteria 28 BN The Lightining Swamp  
    # Sophie Pteria 20 BN    
    # Thomas Pteria 30 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Thomas Pteria 45 BN    
    # William Pteria 39 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Adam Skeith 41 BN Skull Rock    
    # Aishia Skeith 22 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Blumy Skeith 34 BN Mystery Island
    # Blumy Skeith 46 BN Skull Rock    
    # Boris Skeith 35 BN Maraqua
    # Chris Skeith 33 BN  
    # Donna Skeith 27 BN The Marketplace
    # Ethel Skeith 31 BN Faerie Woods  
    # Ethen Skeith 36 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Frank Skeith 26 BN Neopia City  
    # Helen Skeith 35 BN Maraqua    
    # James Skeith 37 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # James Skeith 39 BN Neopia City    
    # Kevin Skeith 18 BN Umbuku Island  
    # Kevin Skeith 38 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Kevin Skeith 36 BN The Marketplace    
    # Kevin Skeith 32 BN The Marketplace    
    # Michael Skeith 28 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Rebecca Skeith 42 BN Upper Neopia    
    # Rupert Skeith 51 BN The Haunted Woods  
    # Rupert Skeith 32 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Usula Skeith 31 BN
    # Usula Skeith 19 BN Neopian City    
    # Vladimir Skeith 42 BN The Great Cliffs  
    # Aisha Sloth 38 BN    
    # Boris Sloth 40 BN The Marketplace    
    # Kevin Sloth 38 BN Virtopia
    # Kevin Sloth 34 BN    
    # Lenny Sloth 44 BN Mystery Island
    # Lupe Sloth 30 BN The Haunted Woods
    # Michael Sloth 20 BN Upper Neopia
    # Shoy Sloth 42 BN
    # Shoy Sloth 44 BN Neopia City  
    # Sophie Sloth 33 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Vladimir Sloth 24 BN
    # Vladimir Sloth 32 BN Maraqua  
    # Aisha Techo 35 BN
    # Blumy Techo 36 BN
    # Boris Techo 38 BN Maraqua    
    # Boris Techo 19 BN Haunted Woods  
    # Bruce Techo 30 BN Umbuku Island
    # Bruce Techo 28 BN Virtopia    
    # Chani Techo 31 BN    
    # Charles Techo 44 BN Maraqua    
    # Charles Techo 36 BN Skull Rock    
    # Chester Techo 44 BN The Marketplace    
    # Chris Techo 44 BN The Haunted Woods
    # Ethan Techno 38 BN Haunted Graveyard  
    # Frank Techo 36 BN The Haunted Woods  
    # Harry Techo 29 BN The Lightning Swamp  
    # Howard Techo 37 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # James Techo 32 BN The Great Cliffs  
    # Kevin Techo 70 BN The Graveyard
    # Lenny Techo 42 BN Maraqua  
    # Oscar Techo 20 BN Neopia City
    # Rupert Techo 41 BN
    # Rupert Techo 33 BN Upper Neopia  
    # Sian Techo 34 BN Mystery Island    
    # Thomas Techo 27 BN The Haunted Woods  
    # Thomas Techo 30 BN Upper Neopia
    # Usula Techo 39 BN
    # Bruce Tonu 33 BN Maraqua  
    # Charles Tonu 23 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Chester Tonu 22 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # Derek Tonu 39 BN    
    # Ethel Tonu 38 BN    
    # Harry Tonu 26 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Howard Tonu 33 BN    
    # Howard Tonu 24 BN Maraqua    
    # Howard Tonu 39 BN The Pumkin Patch    
    # Kevin Tonu 43 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Lenny Tonu 46 BN Skull Rock    
    # Margaret Tonu 24 BN Marketplace    
    # Michael Tonu 29 BN The Lightning Swamp    
    # Michael Tonu 35 BN The Lightning Swamp  
    # Rebecca Tonu 37 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # Rupert Tonu 20 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Shawn Tonu 43 BN Mystery Island  
    # Shawn Tonu 39 BN    
    # Sian Tonu 17 BN  
    # Sophie Tonu 45 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Thomas Tonu 36 BN  
    # Thomas Tonu 39 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Usula Tonu 31 BN Maraqua  
    # Angharad van Tramp 25 BN
    # Chris van Tramp 32 BN Lightning Swamp    
    # Helen van Tramp 39 BN Maraqua  
    # James van Tramp 35 BN  
    # Lupe van Tramp 18 BN  
    # Michael van Tramp 33 BN Skull Rock    
    # Rupert van Tramp 33 BN
    # Shawn van Tramp 37 BN The Haunted Woods
    # Sophie van Tramp 33 BN The Lightning Swamp
    # Usula van Tramp 43 BN The Haunted Graveyard
    # Chani Vaughan 30 BN Upper Neopia
    # Engelbert Vaughan 32 BN Dome Trunk
    # Engelbert Vaughan 43 BN    
    # Helen Vaughan 26 BN
    # Kevin Vaughan 46 BN Faerie Woods
    # Lenny Vaughan 31 BN Skull Rock
    # Lenny Vaughan 33 BN  
    # Napolean Vaughan 31 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Rebecca Vaughan 37 BN Umbuku Island  
    # Sian Vaughan 24 BN    
    # Vladimir Vaughan 42 BN Neopia City
    # Baron von Borovan 40 BN Mystery Island  
    # Donna von Boravan 31 BN
    # Donna von Borovan 24 BN Mystery Island
    # Frank von Borovan 23 BN Neopia City
    # Lenny von Borovan 28 BN Upper Neopia
    # Lenny von Borovan 26 BN  
    # Lupe von Borovan 39 BN The Haunted Woods
    # Oscar von Borovan 31 BN    
    # Rupert von Boravon 30 BN
    # Angharad von Currywurst 20 BN Upper Neopia
    # Frank von Curryworst 39 BN The Great Cliffs
    # Michael von Currywurst 35 BN The Marketplace  
    # Rupert von Currywurst 43 BN  
    # Rupert von Currywurst 27 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Sian von Currywurst 40 BN Faerie Woods    
    # Sophie von Currywurst 38 BN The Pumpkin Patch    
    # Aishia von Cybunny 43 BN The Haunted Woods    
    # Barry Von Cybunny 20 BN Neopia City    
    # Boris von Cybunny 30 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Boris von Cybunny 29 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Boris von Cybunny 23 BN    
    # Boris von Cybunny 19 BN Upper Neopia    
    # David von Cybunny 31 BN    
    # Ethel von Cybunny 44 BN    
    # Frank von Cybunny 39 BN    
    # Helen von Cybunny 34 BN Skull Rock    
    # Howard von Cybunny 32 BN Neopia City    
    # Howard von Cybunny 45 BN The Haunted Graveyard    
    # James von Cybunny 44 BN Maraqua      
    # James von Cybunny 39 BN Virtopia    
    # Lenny von Cybunny 16 BN    
    # Lupe von Cybunny 34 BN    
    # Rebecca von Cybunny 36 BN Mystery Island    
    # William von Cybunny 42 BN The Great Cliffs    
    # Donna von Gegenuber 34 BN The Haunted Woods  
    # Maxwell von Gegenuber 31 BN Umbuku Island    
    # Frank Wilberforce 45 BN Skull Rock  
    # Kevin Wilberforce 31 BN  
    # Lenny Wilberforce 31 BN Mystery Island  
    # Napolean Wilberforce 26 BN Anonalgoin
    # Usula Wilberforce 28 BN The Haunted Woods

Question Stats

Latest activity: 10 years, 5 month(s) ago.
This question has 42 answers.


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