
Nepal Travel Questions.?

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My long time boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Nepal next summer after we graduate from grad school. I have been obsessively scouring the internet for information about this lovely country but i still have a few questions...

* [i am aware that this is a relatively "cheap" country to travel to, not including airfare] However, what is the average cost of a meal? or even just from a street vendor....

* What should i expect to pay if i were to shop around a market, from a vendor? or in a store...

*[i've heard that you can get away with spending 25 USD for a comfortable night sleep] Should i expect to be paying more than this...

*Cheapest way to get there from the states? Is it better to fly directly to Kathmandu? or should we fly somewhere else and then bus/train it.


*what are some fun, cheap [we are graduating college students after all] and exciting things to do in Nepal?

-we want to travel around it's not really

limited to Kathmandu




  1. Take the reference of exchange rate from previous answerer.

    Since you are travelling with your boyfriend and is a foreigner, I won't suggest you to come to Nepal by land from India. Indian borders are not safe... especially for foreigners. Food from street vendors should not cost you more than 2 dollars for both of you. However, I'd suggest you to ask the price before you start consuming. Also, I'd suggest you to tell the vendors your taste because foods in Nepal are real spicy and hot. Cost of shopping will depend upon the types of goods you purchase. For clothes, shoes etc., please visit departmental stores. For crafts etc., please visit Government shops in Basantapur of Kathmandu. There are government shops for crafts in mostly all of the ancient palace squares. Comfortable night sleeps can be bought for as less as 15 dollars which depend upon the type of hotel you choose to sleep.

    Visit to Lumbini, Pokhara, Sauraha, and plan a short trekking to Ghandruk from Pokhara. Trekking to Ghandruk would be your life time experience. In Pokhara you can also have a boating day, hang gliding (engiene) and para gliding. You can also plan a night stay at Nagarkot near Kathmandu. In Kathmandu you can find lots of Casinos, pubs and discos too.

  2. Yes, you are right. Nepal is a cheap country to travel to. It has been 5 years since I last visited Nepal and at that time, I pretty well remember that one could buy a decent Nepali meal for around NR 50, less than 1 USD. If you choose wisely you can get accomodations for less than 15 USD. I spent lot of Time in Lumbini region, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, and at least in that locality you will get lot of Nepalese people runninig wayside dhabas (food vendors) offering you cheap food. You cannot really avoid visiting Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, while you are in Nepal.

    Apart from Lumbini, you must visit Pokhara, Kathmandu and Chitwan. Nepal is full of mountains and you can climb mountains, opt for rafting and a lot of other stuffs.

    I do not know what other cities in Nepal have got International airports apart from Kathmandu. So if you plan to enter Kathmandu by land route you will have to fly to New Delhi in India, from their get a train to Gorakhpur and then take a bus upto Sonouli, the Nepal border(Lumbini zone). A bit tiring if you want to restrict yourself only to Nepal.

  3. I have to say food here is quite cheap.

    1USD is eqivalent to 71.00 RS and if you are thinking to eat your brakfast from a Normal Nepali restaurant then 200 RS will be more than enough per person. But if you go to some good restaurant then the price tag increases from 500-700 for a single meal and it completly depends on the type of meal you are having.

    Air tickets have always been expensive but Quatar airways is the cheapest one to Kathmandu..

    If you want to go outside Kathmandu then you can visit places like Langtang, Pokhara, Chitwan, and so on.. There are so many places..

    I am so glad that you chose Nepal as your choice. I send you good wishes

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