
Nepali translation" i have done all this to show you that am always there 4 u "&"always keep smiling"

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Nepali translation" i have done all this to show you that am always there 4 u "&"always keep smiling"




  1. "I have done all this to show you that am always there 4 u"

    = "Maile so sabai garnuko karan yo dekhauna ho ki ma sadhai timro sathma chhu."

    "always keep smiling"

    = "Sandhai hanshi rakha"

    The previous answer is also correct but it emphasis more on the verb of "I have done" rather than on the verb "to show". In my sentence "show=dekhauna" and in his it is "bhanna ko lagi = to show ". In his sentence "done = gareko hun = did" and in my sentence "garnu ko karan = did so to/because".

    His sentence is grammatically correct and is same as yours. But the sentence that I have proposed carries the same theme/meaning as yours.

  2. maile yo sabai timilai ma sandhai timro sathma chhu bhanna ko lagi gareko hun. Sandhai hanshi rakha.

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