
Nero - what is the problem?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I use Nero to burn some files on to a CD, I follow the instructions and get a "completed successfully" burn message.

But when I then go to open the CD to check the files on it, I get an error message "D\: not accessible"

What am I doing (or not doing) to cause this??




  1. try to restart your computer ... and then try again ...

    also .. did you checked that your CDs are not working in another computers too ??? , i doubt that , they will be okey ...

    or .. may be just your writer is getting old ... when my previous writer go old , it used to do same things with me , ( like even after displaying completed successfully , there was nothing at all !!! ) ...

  2. Maybe you are clicking on the "test" (or something like) that button and not the real "burn CD" button.  Most CD burning softwares have this "test" feature.  It is to make sure that the files you selected fit into the capacity of the CD you will be using.

    Try going over it again.

  3. yr cd writer having problem it shouldbe changed

  4. Make sure your disk is being FINALIZED.  Are you doing a write check?  You must check the box just before clicking BURN again, to check that the disk was written to properly.  It's called disk verification.

  5. i think writer needs to be changed

  6. are the CDs good? try a different CD.

    also try a different program. can you burn using Windows XP's explorere? Just drag and drop to D:, and click the 'burn these files to CD' button, then see. if that works, or some other program work, uninstall if necessary and reinstall Nero.

    if all fails, try reinstalling your CD burners drivers from the manufacturers website. also consider your burner could be defective.

    also if possible, try burning in safe mode. try restarting then

    burning .

    but mainly try the Windows burn option.

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