
Nerve damaged?.....?

by Guest59443  |  earlier

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first of all, im 16 years old. a year ago, i pinched the nerve in the elbow (ulna area) from playing basketball.

the thing was that, it did not hurt, no soreness, no tingling. my arm just got weak. weaker and weaker. but later on, my arm, fingers, elbow, wrist started tingling. my shoulder was sore. but i have not experienced major pain or pain. im just wondering, is it gonna heal? its been a year since i got injureed and im only 16.its really frustrating for me because i now use left hand often than my right. because i just want my right arm to heal. i cant even play basketball anymore. do nerve damage heal fully.? or is it permanent?? and im wondering.. do you need a surgery for pinched nerve?




  1. You definitely need to see a sports medicine doctor or orthopedic specialist. Please have your parents make an appointment for you. It should not take a 16-year old over a year to heal from an injury like that. It's way past time for it to be healed and normal again.

    No, it's probably not damaged permanently. There is a condition that can  where the nerve is trapped in a place inside the elbow where it makes it hard to use the arm at full strength--it's called CUBITAL TUNNEL ENTRAPMENT. This can be fixed and you'll be good as new again, but it requires professional diagnosis and evaluation.

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