
Nerve pain treatment

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Have been given some Nortriptyline for a seven year problem with nerve pain but hesitant about taking them. Concerned about the side effects. Does anyone have personal experience of this treatment? I believe it is a newer version of Amitriptyline.




  1. Amitrityline has been out for donkeys years and not designed to treat nerve pain specifically, they just found out it worked better on than than depression (didn't work great on that). I would give gabapentin a go, thats what it was developed to do (its also very expensive compaired to Amytriptyline!) Speak to your doc

  2. Don't hesitate! Amitriptyline is brilliant for nerve pain. I have serious back issues and if I don't take amitriptyline, my feet feel like they are eight feet long and throbbing and burning all over. The worst side effects are constipation and a dry mouth, but senna tablets will treat the first and the second gets better with time. The only serious side effects are that if you take an overdose it can cause an irregular heart beat which can kill you, but you wouldn't be that silly, would you? Dive in and get rid of your pain.

  3. no, but i believe accupunture/reflexology is good for nerve problem.

  4. yes i have this problem and wasn't sleeping and got really aggressive  till doc tor gave me amitripline and now i feel great and calm  all so i have taken some days co codamol  which is 30/. 500  and is a lot stronger  so give it a go i herd a lot about this drug and wouldn't take it and and am so glad i have  no more suffering let me know how you are doing ..

  5. amitriptyline is a mild anti depressant, sometimes even used on children.

    again be careful of addiction to them. they are a good muscle relaxant though if the dosage is right.  
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