
Nerves for first week-away horse show...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to my first week long show and I'm really nervous. I've never been to a show so far away from my house or for more than a day. I'm going to be up there from this coming Tuesday to Sunday and I'm worried. I don't know what to bring besides the regular stuff: Tack, Blankets/Sheets, Riding Apparel, brushes, hay/grain, shavings etc. I'm just wondering if anyone can help calm my nerves by telling me the other stuff to bring. Any advice or stories will help. Also, what can i do to help my horse not get tired. I school Tuesday and then show 3 classes Wed. 3 classes Thur. and 6 classes on Friday. I'm going to put linament on his legs at night but I cant use standing wraps because he chews them off. Just any help/advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you!




  1. bring things that make you comfortable, ipod, comfortable chair, snacks.  as for the horse make sure that your not over working him in the warm up ring and make sure he stays hydrated.   I've gone to big week shows like this and i've learned over the years if you make a list of all the things you need to bring your less likely to stress out about forgetting something.  pack comfortable clothes for down time, me i'm a huge fan of pajama pants and flip flops for just sitting around.  try to make sure that you have everything possible ready in advance and it will calm the stress.  if you've got any more questions please hit me up.  i've been doing this for quite some time now and love helping others who have similar problems

  2. You seem to have all the equipment pretty well worked out.  Remember, if you forget anything, people are pretty good about letting you borrow it.  Also, most longer shows have equipment sellers right on the grounds.

    The question of how to keep him fresh is more difficult to answer. You are putting him in a lot of classes.  It just depends on how strong he is to begin with.  A long show like that can wear a horse out just with being away from home.  Some horses it doesn't bother, others don't like being on the road.

  3. Nerves for the horse show. We all have them, my best advice is to think that you and your horse are a team if you s***w up together you do who cares. Dont think of anyone but your self doing good. You need to focas from the day you leave to the minute you walk in the arena that you can do this. WHO CARES about what place you take if you come out of the ring still riding your horse you accompished something.

    Here is a list of a what i bring to all my horse shows. ( NOTE: I show western pleasure so you shouldnt need chaps,hat,

    -pins (to pin on number)                           -jeans

    -hair ties                                                    Ã¢Â€Â“extra shoes

    -bobby pins                                              Ã¢Â€Â“belt

    -hair brush                                               –boots

    -lip stick                                                   –reg. hat

    -blush                                                       –hat

    -chap stick                                              Ã¢Â€Â“ spurs

    -lip gloss  

    -earrings  (have to wear for western)                                              

    -clips (for hair)                                                    












    -slezzy (spandex thing to smoothe out mane)

    -sheet (suggest wearing it in the trailer)

    *Grooming Box


    -electrical tape (for his tail extension)

    -baby oil

    -baby wipes (rub on p**p stains)



    -fly spray



    -show shirt (western)

    -chaps (western)

    -showmanship pants (western)


    -tank top





    Email me if you need more help i have show next weekend too and i will be gald to help.

  4. Bring things that keep you and your horse calm and things that make everything more like home. Bring a book or two, The Ipod and other favorite things. Remember Horse shows are for fun. Relax, and enjoy the week.  Also Remember that horses pick up on your emotions, the more relaxed you are the better he or she will compete. Remeber to bring bathe stuff too and bands. Good luck and Congrats on making it to that show

  5. Make a check list starting with the most important stuff to the stuff that you want for comfort.  Just so you dont forget anything.  3 classes in one day isnt too much so try not to get too stressed.  What I do at barrel races that are out of state(I live in NY and travel to VA and GA) is massage my horse.  Esspecially TTouch on their backs.  You dont have to but its relaxing.  Everything will be fine.  Shows are meant to run smoothly and they usually do if you just pack some comforts from home.  Are you renting a stall or putting your horse in the trailer?(i'm talking about a big trailer not a two horse for you ppl that are gonna say im cruel for sticking my horse in a trailer thats bigger than their stalls)  I'm asking because taking him/her out for walks is important too.  Keeps them more relaxed and not likely to be stiff.  You'll be fine.  Relax and get good sleep while you're there.  I dont know what you guys do after the shows but alot of the ppl I barrel race with party after and at a week long show or race you want sleeeeeep.  Which i'm sure you already know.  Hope this helped!  Remember:  Make a checklist and check everything twice before you leave!  Have a blast!

  6. bring a super soaker squirt gun nothing like starting a good water fight at a long hot and somtimes boring horse show

  7. Oh, yay, the week long shows! I remember my first week long show.

    I was 13. My dad had been asked to be the on site vet, so I knew he'd be there, but I was still a bit nervous. I was also very nervous because my horse, Optimus has all of the qualities you want and don't want in an eventer. He's an amazing eventer, but he hates crowds, loud noises and strangers, so it's pretty hard to win on him.

    I ended up placing third overall, because of how nervous a guy Op is. My advice to you is to have fun! It's such an experience.

    If you don't want your horse to get tired, I would suggest only riding him during the shows and the warm ups. So, no long hacks during the show period and no galloping everywhere. :P

    Good luck, you'll have soooo much fun!

  8. Okay, well the first thing you should bring is your confidence.  if you have this, then you will make it through.  Don't forget to add the horse and yourself to the list too, lol.  Do you need to bring any regular clothes or bathroom stuff?  To help your horse get through just start fresh everyday.  When you are waiting you could do extra grooming or give him some grain.  If you are awake, then he will be awake.  Maybe instead of standing wraps you could use cotton or quilt wraps and use vetwrap to keep them on.  Just be confident, and remember your horse is there with you.  Good Luck!  If you need any more help then just ask.

  9. You will be fine take a couple deep breaths before you enter the ring and think i want this and i will get this. it always works if your focused and ready.

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