
Nervous, first time playing golf ??? Advices from golf Pro ?

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I want start to play golf. Never hit a golf ball in my life. so I sign up to play the tournament in my company this weekend. I am nervous about what to do there, I had play golf on Nitendo WII, I kinda know the rule, but no the real golf. so any advices would help. Thanks




  1. Don't swing so hard. Center the ball in the middle of your feet, and as long as you hit the ball squarely, you should be okay.

  2. If you have never played golf before, just go out as an observer and don't muck up the game for those who know how to play. Be a scorekeeper. There are some activities one should omit from his experience. This is one of them.

  3. Don’t despair – everyone started out just like you. Unfortunately if you’ve come late to the game you may feel your performance will embarrass you in front of your friends (or worse – your boss!). While golf is typically learned by adults you may feel ashamed to admit your lack of skill and prefer to avoid the game altogether. Don’t miss out on the fun and networking enjoyed by golfers…

    Get on the Course and Give it a Swing!

  4. i played for my first time yesterday and i had a blast...

    my only tip is don't worry if you do bad just have fun. a phrase i use is hakunah mutata. play with no worries!

  5. The most frustrating and annoying thing when playing golf is slow play and bad etiquette.  Your playing partners will help you with the rules (if you are unsure of something, ask someone), but you should know the correct manner in which to play.  To summarise the main point to remember: never talk or move (or do anything distracting) whilst someone is swinging; When someone is playing stand to the side (not behind them as you'll be in their line of sight which can be distracting); repair all your divots (the chunks of grass/earth you remove when hitting the ball) and pitchmarks (the indentation the ball makes on the green when it lands); don't walk over someone elses putting line, including the areas directly behind the hole on their line (as this is where their ball will finish up if they miss).  With regards to making sure you don't play slowly, first and foremost, go to the driving range and make sure you can hit the ball-if you can't pull out of the competition now!  You will be very unpopular with the other golfers if you lose your ball after every shot.  As you'll most likely be playing stableford, once you are more than 2 shots over par, pick up your ball and take 0 points-once you are more than 2 over (assuming you are playing off a 24 handicap) you can no longer score so stop playing.  Make sure you are ready to hit your ball when it is your turn (so whilst walking to your ball, try figuring out how far you have to go so you know what club you will need to hit), don't have a long preshot routine, step up to the ball, have 1 practise swing, then hit the ball.  When you get to the green, put your bag on the side of the green closest to the next tee box so that when everyone has finished putting you can walk quickly to your bag and free the green up for the group behiond.

    Otherwise, have fun, golf is an awesome game!

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