
Nervous, own experiences please?

by  |  earlier

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hiya ladies, me again im afraid.

i know i need to take a test but i think it would be 2 early to test and cant face a BFN, also my partners working away untill wed so i want him here.

i was just wondering if any1 esle has had expericences like mine and got a BFP.

last week esp i was going very dizzy and had a headache almost constantly, i have been peeing alot more and today i feel nauses....although not untill around midday.

any info would be great...last period 21st july next due 28th aug.

thanx :)




  1. I had all these kind of symptoms and still got bfn's i have had on off bleeding since but no proper period though i havent tested for a week or so, but earliest test i got a positive on was 9 days before my period was due!

  2. Your next period is not due for another week and a half. yeah, I would wait until I was late before testing. That is what I always did, and even then, it would be faint, if it was only a  few days overdue. I understand your anxiety of wanting to know. =) GL!

  3. If your period isn't due for 10 days then it's too early to test. It's also very very early to be getting symptoms. Chances are that you only ovulated within the last few days (most women ovulate 12-14 days before their period starts) and the egg then takes around 8-10 days to implant, and it is once it has implanted that the symptoms usually begin.

    So I think you can discount any symptoms you had last week because they were probably before ovulation.

    The two week wait is so frustrating, I know what it's like! But try to relax!

  4. I've had 2 babies and I can honestly say I felt no symptoms whatsoever before around 5 or 6 weeks.  The only time I did feel something was intense cramping like period pain the week before my period was due, but I have had that from time to time also as part of PMT.

    The stress and worry and constant awareness of your body might be causing the symptoms, but that doesn't mean you're not pregnant.  Try not to stress and take a test in a few days time.

  5. for an average cycle you would be able to test now but 38 days seems like a long cycle. such symptoms are common when you are looking for them and wanting to be pregnant. I just bought cheap supermarket tests and got a couple of negatives early on  then a positive about a day before my approx period due date. Then I didn't believe it so bought a digital one and cos it said pregnant there was no mis-reading!

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