
Nervous!!! First baby almost due.. any one else feel this way?

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I know its normal to have nerves but you dont understand I am shaking with nerves ... I feel like right before I walked down the asile ...

I have butterflies and heart burn and I feel like crying ... The worst part of this is I am worried that I wont connect with him or I wont want him ... or something horrible like that!!

Its not like I can give him back if he is just too annoying with the crying and stuff ... oh god I am a mess!!

Tell me you felt this way (or feel this way) and it all worked out and you had a great bond with your child once he/she was out...




  1. these are normal feelings.  I am having my c section at 6 in the morning tommorrow, talk about nerves!!!!  i am excited nervous though, i am worried about her being healthy then anything.  this is the 2nd time i have done this.  i have a 3 1/2 yo girl, and am having another girl.  i am nervous about my 3 year old adjusting too.  this is normal.  when i was pregnant with my first daughter, my relationship with my then boyfriend, now husband was very rocky and i was terrified of being a single mom.  and i thought for sure that that would affect the way i treated her, and handled everything just because it was so stressful.  it's so different when it is your own baby.  you might feel bluesy and this is normal, talk to your daughter if you feel this way.  but you will love that baby like there is no tommorrow, and you will surprise yourself in knowing exactly what to do.

  2. The anxiety is normal. Like other people have said, this is just hormones.  

    I still have 2 weeks left to my due date so I'm not as anxious as I'm sure I will be.  

    Try to relax. Everything will be just fine! :)

    Good luck...

  3. ok to be honest i wasn't nervous at all - i was so overwhelmed with joy it's seriously unexplainable! trust me you will connect with your baby it's like the second your baby comes out BOOM maternal instinct's kick in!... you're about to experience the best thing life has to offer (well in my eyes) best of luck and God bless!

  4. It is perfectly normal. Tell you what. Go lay down and just hold your belly. You will connect just fine. You will see that little bundle of joy and think, wow, i created this. God has a plan for you and for this experiance. Just shut out the doubts and talk to him like he is already here. Read him some baby book or sing him some songs:) You will do just fine!

  5. oh those are normal. with all my kids i was that way i have three. this is your baby and once he comes out it all changes. exceptically with boys and moms. i have two girls then my son and i felt more of a bonding with him then the girls. the girls love their father.

  6. Goodness yes to all of it!  I was worried that the baby wasn't going to like me, I wasn't going to like the baby, the baby was going to be too ugly for me to love, I wouldn't connect with the baby, it was going to cry all of the time and I wouldn't be able to love it.  I laugh just thinking back to feeling that way now, because it couldn't be farther from the truth.  I think it is normal to feel that way.  A lot of it is hormones, but it is scary having a baby when you have never gone through it before.  Trust me, when you hear your baby cry for the first time it will be the sweetest sound you ever heard, and when you see your baby for the first time with blood and mucus and everything you are going to think it is the most beautiful baby you have ever laid your eyes on, and you are going to wonder how you could ever love another human being the way you love your baby.  Oh my goodness, I am crying typing this!  Giving birth to your baby will be the most emotional experience you have ever had, and I bet you will bond with your baby immediately!  Good luck!

  7. we designed to do this. your body knows what to do and as soon as you h!!!old your baby you'll know what to do as well...but the biggest thing is to just relax

  8. I felt the same way... and it all worked out.  Trust your maternal instincts... they know what to do.

  9. Yeah I felt the same way in the weeks before giving birth.  I was a nervous wreck, would cry for no real reason and had panic attacks.  I thought OMG I can't do this and that if I couldn't keep pet goldfish alive how on earth would I be able to look after a baby.  But it all worked out ok. Even though you may not think it at the moment, but as soon as your baby is born maternal instincts will kick in and you will be fine.  Just remember that if you feel you aren't coping ask for help or accept any help that is offered.  Good luck, I hope it all works out well for you and your baby.

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