
Nervous about driving..?

by  |  earlier

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Im 16 years old and i just finished my 6 hours of driving. Although when i drove i wasnt nervous or scared...i had a fun time, but today i got my permit and my mom wanted me to show her what i learned. Problem is, as soon as i drove i was nervous because my mom kept telling me that i almost hit a standing car and when i drive i keep thinking that im gonna ride too close to the standing car, especially when theres another car coming into a tight space. What can i do about this? Thanks.




  1. it seems that that you should tell your mom to stop bringing that up because thats probably whats striking your nerves

  2. It's normal to feel nervous esp when you're a newbie. Your mum is a backseat driver. Ignore her. Believe in yourself. Practice makes perfect. Key to driving: ANTICIPATE. Be a defensive driver.

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