
Nervous about kindergarten?

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i have been lucky enough that my son has never had to be in day care. he isnt in pre-k either so i'm a little nervous how he will do in school. did anyone else go through this? my son is very bright, can write his name, follow instructions, count to thirty, identify letters etc. i am just worried about how he will adjust. any advice?




  1. It sounds like he is ready acedemically. But kindergarten is all about the social environment for alot of kids. It might help to put him in a parks and rec class or another environment, without mommy,that allows him to learn to make friends and communicate with the other kids.

    Kindergarten is nerve wracking becuase he will be faced with a classroom of new faces. The noise and chaos is really overwhelming for a child from a quiet household.

    If he has a late birthday, maybe its not a bad idea to hold him back this year and do a year of preschool. My son has a September birthday, and I chose to wait a year. It did a world of good for him. Perhaps, your husband will be home next year too.

    Once he goes to meet his teacher and checks the school out, some of his apprehension will go away. Is your step son in the same school now? Do you have any neighbors that go to that school? Maybe if you can go to the school a few times this year, he will feel better about it. You know, pick up a neighbor kid from school or attend an after school event. It is hard for a little one to feel excited about new things since they can't visualize what it is.

    Good luck to your family. I hope that your husband is home safe very soon!

  2. I went through this last yr with my oldest and will again this yr with my middle daughter. My children have always been home with me. Never in daycare or pre-k. My daughter loves school and doesn't want the yr to come to an end. Don't stress. He will be fine. He sounds like he's already off to a wonderful start.

  3. If you able too, maybe you can find a peer that he can get to know at the park or a play date that will be in his kinder class.  that way he can get to know somebody and you can use that to ease his nerves

  4. Does he have any experience of socialising with groups of kids his age at all? What about of asking adults who he doesn't know that well for help?

    If he doesn't have any, I think he may have a hard time going into a class of children who don't turn a hair at things like having to ask to go to the loo, and working in groups. Is there any chance you can get him into a playgroup or similar before he starts school, just one day a week, so he can have a more gentle introduction than suddenly having to handle it every day?

    I'd have to say, you can spot in a nursery class which kids haven't been to playgroup or childcare - or which have only ever been to the same one. They're the ones who get upset, and not just on the first day either. The ones who are used to playgroup on Mondays, nursery on Tuesdays, mummy the rest of the week, staying with aunty occasionally while mummy goes to the bank, don't turn a hair at one more new place. The more you can get your son used to the idea that there isn't just one thing that he does in his life, the easier adding a new thing will be.

  5. You sound like you have been helping him in the learning process and he could very well be the brightest kid in the class...don't worry...he's ahead of the game...I think what you make be nervous about is the socialization process.. and adapting to not spending his day with familiar kids...he's resiliant....what you should get ready for are all the germs he'll bring home...most children who do not attend daycare or preschool will have lots more colds in the school year because they haven't been exposed to them stock your medicine cabinet

  6. He should be ok, how does he do in public places?  large groups of people?  Changes in routine and going to new places?  Depending on how he reacts to all that, you will be able to tell how he will really do once he adjusts to kindergarten.  My oldest son will start at the end of August and is terrifed and he hates crowded places and loud noises while my younger son keeps begging to go to kindergarten.  Both have gone to preschool and do ok but the preschool class is only 11 other kids.  There will be atleast 25-30 kids in the kindergarten classroom.

  7. yup i remember my first time in kinder garden (10 years ago) the first time my mom left me alone in kg i cried then i found Friends and it was fun we used to do dances and sing he'll do OK, don't worry kg is a really easy thing, u mostly have fun.

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