
Nervous about seeing my doctor?

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Every time I see my family physician I get very worried and nervous about it. The night before usually I cannot sleep at all, at most maybe 1-2 hours max. During the appointment, I head doesn't stop twitching, my palm sweats beyond belief and my heart just pounds. Its gotten so bad to the point where I had an infection on my pinky and still didn't go in (not until my finger couldn't bend).

What can I do? I can't live like this...One of these days I just know my inability to see my doctor will have dire consequences!




  1. All I can offer is support for the first three answers given. Please pay attention to them.

  2. dude i know exactly what you mean, it sucks going to the doctor just don't worry about it, you know it's the right thing to do so you might as well just do it, plus once you show him your c**k it's all down hill from there

  3. Tyler, it sounds like you're having panic attacks.

    The same thing can happen to people at the prospect of seeing a dentist.

    Don't hesitate to mention it to your doctor.  He/she is in the best position to give you advice on this.

    You will feel better once you have told your doctor, trust me. :-)

    Take care.

  4. I am just like you. It's been called "white-coat"- the fear of doctors. I'm still suffering from certain things because I didn't go to the doctor in time.

    You just have to keep telling yourself that seeing the doctor is much better than dying of a horrible disease. Whenever I go to the doctor (this helps me a little bit) I tell them that I can't stand doctors and I get incredibly frightened whenever I have to go. They usually tell you some B.S. or whatever, but just telling them that I don't like them gets rid of some of the anxiety. I tell the receptionist too... and sometimes they have really funny stories of people who tell them the same thing.

    Just remember, death is always worse than a doctor visit (unless you have a sadistic mom who likes to get you vaccinations you don't need because you're not going out of the country).

  5. Talk to your doctor and tell him.  He can possibly write you a prescription for some medicaton, or refer you to a specialist.

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