
Nervous about sleep away camp?

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I've been to sleep away camp before, but this year i'm really nervous because i'm going to a new one fore 3 weeks and i don't know ANYONE. i'm worried that people have been going to this camp for like...every summer since they were really little and they will already have their own group of freinds. any advice??




  1. ask the teacher if she can introduce everyone before hand.

  2. When our sons were younger we sent them to camps [both were a week long], different ones and in different years.  Our youngest went with a friend but by the end of the week he made many new friends.  

    Our oldest didn't know a soul, he wasn't too thrilled about going, was very nervous about it - by the time the week was over he didn't want to come home.  He had a blast, meet tons of kids and made some good friends.  Some of the kids had been going for a few years so knew each other, but for a lot of kids it was their first time, they didn't know anyone either but like our son very quickly made friends.

    Camps are designed for lots of interaction, they are about kids meeting others and making new friends, learning new skills, and most importantly - having fun!!  

    Don't worry sweets the camp leaders will ensure that all first-timers are introduced to others and feel comfy in no time.  Keep in mind you will not be the only who is there for the first-time, nor the only one who will not know anyone upon arrival.

    It's understandable you feel nervous, just think about the camp you were at before and how much fun you had....I'm guessing there were kids who didn't know anyone when they first arrived, but that changed fairly quickly, right?  

    You'll do great, by the end of day one you'll all but have forgotten about being nervous - you will be having a blast.

    Just be yourself, don't be afraid to walk up to others and introduce yourself before the welcome session starts - odds are there will be others who are as or even more nervous than you, they'll be glad you walked over and said hello.  Have fun!!!!

  3. you will be fine!  the counselor will make sure that everyone knows each other.  there will probably be enough activities for everyone to get to know eachother and become friends.

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