
Nervous about starting at a community college?

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I am a college freshmen and classes start next week YIKES!!!!! I am now so nervous about next week I don't even know what textbooks to buy. i know this is a small community college but i don't know what to expect. Is this normal? and can i have some advice from some upperclassmen? please im so nervous!!!!




  1. Totally normal.  There are lists and people to help you interpret those lists in the school bookstore so you get the right books.  Expect it to be similar to high school in many ways.  There will be classes that you have to get to on time.  People studying at tables.  You will have study groups.  There will likely be a professor that you hate and a professor that you like.  You'll do fine.  Just make sure you get there with plenty of time to find parking and find your class.  You can always ask people around you if they know where something is if you get lost.  One person may not know but they may be able to tell you where a directory is.  Also the campus probably has a schedule of classes with a map attached.  It might be good if you figure out where all your classes are ahead of time and figure out how to get from one building to the next.  You'll do fine!  Congrats on going into college!

  2. It's TOTALLY normal to be nervous about starting college.

    For the first semester, yes, you're kind of like the freshman on the first day of high school.

    After two semesters, you COMPLETELY get the hang of it. It's pretty predictable.

    You'll first get your schedule, which tells you which rooms to go to - and which professor you'll have. You'll want to go to the bookstore first. If you can get used books, do - but this will be hard to get sometimes.

    Oh, and you sell your books back at the end of the semester. Here's the kicker though - sometimes the bookstore buys the books back and sometimes it doesn't. :)

    On the first day of class, the professor usually goes over a "syllabus", or an outline for the course. Usually, but not always, the professor lets the class go early on the first day.

    On the whole, Community Colleges are more supportive than Universities. The professors can take more time to help you out if you're having trouble with a class.

    You're going to do fine, and the anxiety you're feeling is normal - it's a combination of anxiety and excitement probably..

    But it's going to be FUN!

    Take care and enjoy the experience! :)

  3. College is totally different than changing from one school to another just relax it will not be as bad as you think college is a lot more fun.

    As far as the books go if you take your schedule of classes in the bookstore there are people with name tags on to help you get the right books. Books are not all you need but if you look at your schedule they should list things like a calculator of a certain type if you need it. Their are also tutor groups available if you have trouble with a class. The student union is also a great place to meet people outside of your class. The people are older and more willing to help you out than younger students. You'll do fine trust me I dropped out of high school got my GED and am 43 and now going to college and have been for the past 9 yrs. I love it but I was only able to go part time now I have quit my job so I can go full time. If you are planning to work I would suggest part time or weekends only. Don't be afraid to tell the instructor to repeat something if you didn't get it the first time chances are someone else didn't either.

    The biggest thing to remember is that you paid for the class oh and make sure you turn off your cell phone before you eneter the class they hate it when it rings and might ask you to leave the class for the day and then count it against you.

    Have fun there are plenty of resources out there just have to learn where they are. If you want you can e:mail me and let me know how everything goes your first day. I start my classes on Wed. have fun and good luck

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