
Nervous about the first day of school?

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I'm really nervous about the first day of school. It's tomorrow, and I've only been to visit to that school once to take my ID pics. I'm gonna start high school and the school I'm going to is HUGE and I'm so afraid of getting lost. I checked with most of my friends and only one of them has a class with me. I have lots of cousins that go to that school, but I don't know what to do if I can't find them... I've had so many first days of school, but it wasn't that bad especially since I knew mostly everyone. Starting high school is a really important thing to me, and I don't know why, but it's nerve-wracking...

What should I do to get rid of my first day jitters?




  1. yeah, where I live, high school starts in grade 7, and I was terrified..

    don't worry, it's not as bad as you would think. the school is huge at first, but at least a month in you'll know the school inside out.

    i'm sorry if I don't really have an answer for your question, just relax and try to make some new friends.  

  2. omg. i'm sorta the same thing too.

    im starting HS in sept 4.

    and the school im going to is HUUUGE

    but i guess, its the right time to make new FRIENDS

    BUT remember the old ones too. :)

    starting something is always difficult!

    but i always end up LOVING it.

    && think of it this way,

    if everything is EASY!,,

    it wouldnt be LIFEE !! :]

    talk to your friends about a place to meet up.

    go with someone you know,

    even if your not that close to them.

    then, when you find your FRIENDS,

    you can go with them.


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