
Nervous at horse shows?

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I want to show my horse. But i get very nervous when I'm in the ring. How do i get over my fear?




  1. Hehe! Sounds so familiar! I did my first show for 20 years (had a huge break from the show ring due to finance) last May, and I was beside myslf!!, ...but I just kept going back. It's second nature again!

    Friends gave me "Rescue Remedy", a homeopathic treatment, you put a few drops under your tongue from time to time leading up to the event. They work wonders on some people - worth a try. Works on some horses too, apparently ...not mine though! LOL!

    Breathing exercises are good too. Just breathe in - breathe out, etc etc, but consciously think of each breath, and do it slowly and rythmically.

    Bottom line, though, just get out there and have fun! What's the absolute worst that could happen??? Don't take yourself too seriously, and it will just fall into place. :o)

    Good luck! We wanna hear about your ribbons!!

  2. Doing something new no matter how good you are can be scary. You are honest, what part of showing is frightening?

    Grab a friends arena,trailer to it, and do a "dress rehearsal" then you will have it set in your and your horses minds. All  riders feel the butterflies some days, it goes away when you realize it IS fun. Take your friends with you,, skip breakfast if you think you'll see it return,and remember your iPod. Airborne tablets have tons of zinc and such,take the night before for stress. You'll do great  just for going!

  3. First of all, just about every rider or competitor that I have ever met suffers from show nerves at one time or another- it's nothing new, and nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.  There are different things you can try that might help- one of them is pretending you are at home or in some other place that makes you comfortable and happy, and just do what you normally would do. Another thing to do that may help your nerves is to make sure that you are really ready- that is, make sure that your horse is clean and ready to show, that you have all your required equipment and riding attire, and that you have gone over the class descriptions to make sure that you understand exactly what you and your horse are being judged on and asked to do. Preparing for a show is like preparing for a big exam in school- we all know the rules for that, and one of them is get a good night's sleep before the show, and eat a good breakfast on the morning of the show. I don't recommend skipping breakfast- you will need the energy, and food helps calm the nerves of some of us. You can also give yourself a pep talk before you get on your horse- and tell yourself that it is okay if things don't go exactly as planned- one of the reasons for showing is to learn about yourself and your horse, and to learn how to do different things in different ways. Give yourself the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them- you will have a better experience that way. If people criticize you, remember that they probably mean well, but they may not understand what is happening or what you are trying to accomplish. Good luck, and I hope this helps.

  4. I used to have this really bad, and hated showing, after i would get in the ring i would be fine, but waiting for my class was terrible.  I would almost have painc attacks and i quit for a while.  I think it's just coming to a point where you realize that your doing it because of the relationship you and your horse share.  It's not about who's watching or the other people, forget them, it's just you and your horse.  So what if you don't win you are there letting your horse show off and showing how much you love him.  That's always going to make you a winner.  Plus showing can allow you to pick up things from other horse owners and things that will help you and your horse.  Try to enter a few fun shows (like my county does a once a year "play day" at the beginning of show season to kick off the year).  It's things like ride a buck, egg and spoon, a water class, trail, costume ect.  It's all about having fun, if your area doesn't have any of those or any fun classes get your lesson barn or your friends together and have one for yourself.  Have a trainer or friend "judge" and a horse gift card as the grandprize, it's awesome for anyone cause games are funny.  Everyone messes up because no one ever pratices so your all just laughing together and having fun.  Oh musical buckets is awesome in the summer especially if you make the last bucket full of ice or sweet feed!.  Simon says is awesome too, but watch out for the judge who calls for "simon says drop your irons" and the collective UGH! that follows. Spiece up ride a buck with fives instead of ones or by holding them with your calf instad of your thigh, everyone will kill to take a big class of fives home even if it means sore legs the next day.  We do that in lessons all the time.

  5. think about something else helps me

  6. Hello!

    I have the same problem too! Im 13 years old, and I ride a 3 year old arabian.

    My horse is constantly whinnying and screaming, so when you on your horse, think of all the things he could be doing - bucking, shying, stuff like that. Then be grateful you are riding a calm horse!

    Always keep your mind on the bright side - it works for me! now i have 26 blue ribbons i have won on my horse, and we are going to the youth campionships at the end of the year. I am over my fear.

    I hope I helped!!

    Elsie  :)

  7. just pretend that you at home doing what you normally do. just remember that the horse can sense your fear, so it picks up on your vibes and react to that....just be calm


    Good Luck

  8. just stay calm! your horse can sense your fear, and he will get scared to! just like in jumping, if you look down, your horse thinks you are looking at something scary down there, and will spook, or knock the jump down. just think happy thoughts, and remeber, if you lose who cares!?! its for fun, and if you are scared to mess up, then show in pleasure first! that way you know that its all on your horsey, and the judje is not looking at you! just take a deep breathe, and just act like you are a diva and so is your horse, and act like every knows that you can ride awsomely, and so they know that your gonna do well. trust me, i show ALL THE TIME! so i know ! good luck i hope you win!

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