
Nervous? (details inside)?

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ok, well im going into the 8th grade next year and i want to try out (and hopefully make) the swim team. but im a little nervous because ive never really done a sport and im not competitive AT ALL. so what can i do to maybe boost my confidence a little? thanks

oh and i have one more question- if your not good at the fly, you can't dive, and your still working on your flip turns, should i perfect those first before trying out? thanks again.




  1. the best way to build your confidence is to work on the stuff you aren`t as comfortable doing, so practice and when you are trying out just remember to have fun and you will do better then you expected.

  2. well the olympics were on, and you know the great michael phelps won 8 gold medals! anyways, i love swimming, and i go to a local swim team since my school doesn't have one. and when i went the coaches said to perfect my breathing,and timing, so, hopefully that will help you. oh, and perfect your diving skills!

    good luck<3

  3. practice  

  4. just keep practicing

  5. practice makes perfect (yes thats annoying, but its true) =]

  6. dont worry bout it so much.. keep ur mind off it.. and when u try out ull do fine.. dont worry on perfecting anything yet.. thats wat your there on the team for.. to progress.. and im sure they wouldnt mind picking you on there team. and ull learn to be competitive if you want something so bad... ust do your best. and try not to worry.. best of luck to you!!!

  7. omg this is perfect cause im going into 8th grade and im on the varsity swim team!

    i've been swimming for like my whole life, and let me tell you something. the practices are BRUTAL but its all worth it at the swim meets, sectionals....and your team becomes your 2nd family. to boost your confidence, start lifting weights and swim monday-friday and work really hard, dont slack. then you're sure to make the team!

    and YES perfect those. esp the flip turns and dive. flip turns are so easy, just before you hit the wall (maybe 1 or 2 strokes before) flip over then push off. theres many ways of pushing of. you can push of your side or back then flip onto tummy. just make sure you hold a long streamline.  and for diving, just go into a track start and then when they say GO you jump off (in the diving postion of course lol dont just jump off) and try to go as far out and high as you can. you are faster out of the water than in, dives are soo important. and hold that streamline!

    and i love fly  but it does take practice to get good. look up butterfly stroke on youtube or something.

    also if your not already on one, join a club swim team.

    good luck!


  8. You need to practice A LOT!  Soon, you'll be really good and won't be so nervous.  Also, I think you should perfect the fly, your dive, and your flip turns.  You'll have a better chance of making the team!  Good Luck!

  9. just try it... the worst thing tht can happen is u dnt make it... then wen u try out in 9th grade u'll no wat to expect.

    can u answer mine?? (easy... just an opinion);...

  10. Practice as much as you can and for the second part I think they help you perfect those once you get there!

  11. you can always race your friends first just to get an idea of what the real competition is like. i would also perfect anything you have time for, because that will give you an edge against anyone else. good luck =]

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