
Nervous eye twitch???

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So I got back from mexico on sunday, ever since my eyes have been twitching almost nonstop. Is this from stress or something else?? anything would help seriously




  1. I had the same thing. My mum said she had it too when she was young. And sometimes she still gets it.

    I went to an acupuncturist and it helped.

    I think it's stress and change of climate that made an effect.

  2. Under my right eye one of my muscle beneath my eye will twitch constantly for a few days. It doesn't hurt it's just really annoying because I can see my muscle twitch in my eye and you can see it in the mirror. My mom actually gets it at well. She asked an eye doctor about it and they said it's due to stress and could be due to straining of the eye.

    Just concentrate more and wear glasses if you have em.  
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