
Nervous for high school?

by Guest62125  |  earlier

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I start high school on tuesday and i am nervous. what can i do to calm my nerves?




  1. Eat a LIGHT breakfast, honestly dude just try and relax I know it sounds hard but just try. The reason I say a light breakfast is because you might have a nervous stomach (like I did the first day) and there is nothing worse than being nervous when you had a heavy meal early in the morning. I cannot really think of anything other than that, basically all you teachers will do the first day is introduce themselves and if you are an upperclassmen then you might get an assignment but it sounds like you will be a freshman so I wouldn't worry at all.

  2. oh my gosh, i had my first day on wednesday, and literally. i didn't know what to wear until beofre 5 minutes i left my house. I WAS LATE.! on my first day. but i'm always later, so whatever. i'm a freshman, and my mom was like telling me **** in the car. i waqs about to cryyy. but then i got my schedule, the teachers were really understanding and helpful. and like within the next 30 minutes i was calling my mom, letting her know that i hadn't commited suicide. and then the next day i had like an anxiety attack in the car, and like couldn't breathe. but it went away shortly. and by today, i was totally fine, other than the fact that i was late and got my first tardy. and that's alwyas nerve making. my advice.

    BE TOTALLY f*****k I N G PREPARED. it makes everything wayyy easier. try to go with friends for back up, and be early. don't be nervous, it has been fine.

  3. let me just tell you, there's nothing to be nervous about.  i started highschool on monday, and i was completely terrified.  after the first day, i realized taht the worrying was a waste of my time.  just be confindent about youself, and there's nothing to be nervous about

  4. dont be nervous its just like middle school only mroe serious you will be fine

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