
Nervous..... ?

by  |  earlier

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whenever I'm around people or start getting nervous i can i stop this from happening?




  1. just think of them as ur friends i bet u dont sweat around ur friends.

  2. You sound as though you may have anxiety problems. My wife has had similar problems with becoming overly nervous in social situations. Talk to your doctor, who may refer you to a psychologist to talk to you about what may be causing these problems and how they can be resolved. Good luck.  

  3. buy a deodorant!!!!

    there's also whole body deos so if you get sweaty under your knees for example you can use that.

  4. i also sweat around people and theres nothing that can be done...just try to relax..

  5. The more you practice or put yourself in those positions, the less nervous you will feel.  Consider this, you have value as a person and have every reason to like yourself for who God made you to be.  No one is better, or worse, than you.  Like yourself and be happy with who you are and skills and input you bring to any conversation.  You have nothing to lose by putting your best foot forward and being yourself.  Also, ask yourself, what's the worst that can happen?  The worst thing is, someone else may not like you.  And lets face it, not everyone will like us all the time. But we all experience this and have to love and live with ourselves.  Life is short and we should enjoy being around others and trying to be kind to them and ourselves.  That way we don't have to worry about regretting what we say or do.  We can know we did our best and be happy in that.

    Best wishes.
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