
Nervous !!!?

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i am getting contact lens monday currently i wear glasses and i am scared contacts will hiurt do they and i need some tips and tricks




  1. Tell your optometrist to give you some training on putting your contacts on and taking them off. That's what I did. It will be hard at first but then you'll get used to it. At first when putting your contacts on, use paper towel in case a contact falls, it wont fall on the dirty floor. Open your eyes really wide and don't blink when putting a contact in. If I tell you all the instructions I will never finish, I'm telling you seek some training!

  2. You'll feel them at first, but I wouldn't call it painful, more like annoying.  Wear them for a short time at first, maybe a few hours, then gradually increase the amount of time you wear them each day.  Your eyes will get used to them and before you know it, you won't even notice you have them in.

  3. they bugged me for the first 3 days or so. then i got used to them. they dont hurt, they're just irritating. but then you get used to them. and now i really like them and i wear them every day(: . also for the first day wear them for like 2 hours. the next day maybe 3. then 4 and so on until they feel comfortable. and also you can buy rewetting drops for when they feel dry or irritated. i get mine at target for a few dollars. and buy a carrying case and keep solution in it and keep it in your purse or something in case you need to take them out or whatever.

    good luck hope you like them(:

  4. they hurt at first, and it takes time getting used too. Because and dont poke them around too much, or theyll fall out and you'll lose em! Don't worry the eye doctor will show you how to put them in, and take them out, and clean them.
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