
Nervous traveler, any advice?

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I'm traveling to Brazil over the summer with my school, but I'm starting to get very nervous.

Whenever I travel I tend to get butterflies in my stomach, and then I don't eat because I feel like I'm going to throw up. I am also very good at convincing myself that I am sick.

Do you have any advice on what I can do to prevent this? I'm also nervous about getting yellow fever, typhoid, and malaria. I got my yellow fever shot, and took my 3rd typhoid pill today, but what if something goes wrong with the malaria pill and I forget to take it, or can't swallow it?!

See what I mean? I'm a nervous traveler. xD Please help!




  1. Don't worry, girl!

    The Brazil's not this "sick country" that many people think.

    Look: All these illness that you said just have in Amazonia. But not in large scale.

    The Brazil for many years made many things to over with these tropical illness. And we did it.

    I'm Brazilian and since I born, I've never heard about some case of these illness.

    Don't worry! This idea that many people have about the Brazil because it is a tropical country, it's a view of the past.

    Relax! Ok?

    Recommended Places to stop with this stress (smile): Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), Salvador (Bahia), Recife (Pernambuco), Fortaleza (Ceará), Angra dos Reis (Rio de Janeiro), Xingó - Canindé do São Francisco (Sergipe) etc.

    C'mon with God! And welcome!

  2. Get your mind off of it, have fun, that you will visit the "8th wonder of the world", as an American you won't be in the depths of the jungle exposed to the elements.  You will be shielded from all that in some touristy 5 star hotel in Manaus.  I compete in MMA, when I get butterflies in my stomach, it's a good sign.

    Remember that all those pills and shots are preventive rx, just in case.  Fill your  mind with knowing more about the country and region you'll be going, go to Border's and B&N get books, read on the net all abouttheir culture and so on, by not focusing on your fears you will liberate that negative energy and focus on more vibrant ones.

    Once I read that is all how you look at a cup that is half filled "One can look at it and complain it's half empty, then another see it and get's happy because the cup is half full".



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