
Network Rail Fined?

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Did the Government face Network Rail with an impossible task, in order to fine them, so that the Treasury could collect the £14k to offset other losses?




  1. The Goverment did not force Network Rail to do so many Infrastructure works all at the same time. This was the whole point, Network Rail took the decision.  However the fine would have been better off being paid to the TOC's to improve services and compensate passengers rather than back to the Goverment.

  2. Not really.  In order to pay the fine, Network Rail will either have to cut services, or receive additional funding from HMG.  There are no shareholders to carry the can.

    Which means that the fine was pointless, other than as a headline-grabbing measure.

  3. This is the looniest thing a Government has ever done. All it means is that funny money gets shuffled around the system with no benefit to anyone. It is a pointless, knee-jerk reaction. The Government should make up its mind whether it wants a railways system or doesn't. If it has the 'green' credentials it pays lip-service to,  then one presumes the former and it should get on and properly fund and run them.

    Remember this was done by the party which brought you a fox-hunting ban, a ban on smoking, surveillance of everyone by CCTV, asbos and joined the most reactionary US Government in an illegal war. And don't let anyone kid you that baby-face Cameron and his Eton cronies will be any better.

  4. Only this "Alice in Wonderland" government could have come up with such a stupid reaction.

    The fine is paid to the government which itself funds Network rail. So Network rail has to work with less funds, which means the users suffer!

    Crazy, crazy.Time they took Gordon to a home.

  5. Have you ever read "Alice through the Looking Glass".

    Read it, understand it, and then you will have the answer.
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