
Network+ latest study guide for 2008 exams?

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I am currently preparing for my network+ exam with two books that help

me a great deal: Network+ for Dummies and Network+ Training Guide

(Harwood and Byrd).

The problem is that both books were published in 2002 (yeah, I bought

them cheap and used), but they still give me the basics.

What is a good guide that helps me pass the network+ exam, as far as

technology SINCE 2002 is concerned?

Just an example - one of the books describes Windows XP as "cutting

edge technology that will not be on the test".

Any ideas about a book that deals with today's question the of network

+ exam?

Thank you very much

P.S. I am especially interested to hear from you, if you passed the test in the last 6 months




  1. Here is an article that may interest you.  It is from March, 2006 but still looks like it adds to what you have been working with.  Good Luck.

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