
Neurosurgery for a career?

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how many of you have ever wanted to become a neurosurgeon (brain surgeon)

I know I did until I found out that you might be responsible for the death of a infant/child, mother, father, or a grandparent even if it wasn't your fault, and also knowing I'll turn into a workaholic and surviving of hospital foods, but did any of you ever wanted such a critical job like a neurosurgeon or a rocket scientist.




  1. They are two completely different careers.  WHile a neurosurgeon is a medical doctor, a "rocket scientist" is most commonly an aeurospace engineer.

    No thanks.  Never wanted to make a living doing either.

  2. I always wanted to do something good like this, but even if I were smart enough, which is debatable, I do not have the commitment to do it properly, I am terrible at study, I want to do it - then I find I can't be bothered. So I didn't.

    Any of us could be responsible for someones death, surely you stand a better then average chance of saving someone instead of killing them if you go in to medicine rather then an average career?

  3. Ewwww, no.  I like to hang out with neurosurgeons, but I've never wanted to be one.  Lots of their patients die or survive as vegetables.  Where I trained, we called the neurosurgical ICU "DeathStar".  (true story)

    I still take people to the brink of death, so I get that fun, but my patients usually wake up and do great.

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